
In: Computer Science

ALL IN PYTHON PLEASE Problem 3: Define a VALUE-RETURNING function that accepts one parameter - an...


Problem 3:

Define a VALUE-RETURNING function that accepts one parameter - an integer number. The function, which must be a value-returning function, returns 1 if the number is even or 0 if the number is odd. In the “main” function (i.e. def main()), capture the return value and print an appropriate message on screen (i.e. number is even or odd).


Correctly defined a value-returning function: 5 pts

Correctly capture and use return value from a value-returning function: 5 pts

Sample Output:

Enter n: 4


Expert Solution

def main(num): #function to find whether number is true or false
    if num%2==0: #condition to check whether a number is divisible by 2 or not
        return 1 #if divisible then the number is even number and returns 1
    return 0 #if number is odd number then returns 0

#driver function
number = int(input("Enter n: "))  #taking input and int function convert string to integer
if main(number): 
    print("Even") #print if condition is true
    print("False") #print if condition is false


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