
In: Nursing

Industrial Agriculture: What is "industrial agriculture"? What are the pros and cons of industrial agriculture? GMOs:...

  1. Industrial Agriculture: What is "industrial agriculture"? What are the pros and cons of industrial agriculture?
  2. GMOs: Are genetically modified foods safe? What are some social and environmental concerns associated with growing genetically modified (GM) crops?
  3. Food Waste: What are some environmental problems associated with food waste? Why do we waste so much food? What are some actions you can personally take to reduce food waste?


Expert Solution


-Industrial agriculture is the large scale industry production of crops and animals of involving chemical fertilizers on the crop or the routine, harmful use of antibiotics in animals. It it may also involve crop that are generally modified heavy use of pesticides and other particles that in the land and increase various forms of pollution.

-Consolidation in the industry has in the field as agriculture has undergone what is known as vertical integration a transformation from small diversi farm producing a variety of crop and livestock to industrialize is the sister dominated by big multinational corporations.

-Industrial farming is not good for the health workers,eaters,etc.. The side effect of pesticides herbicides and insecticides used in the agriculture are poisoning and long-term chronic illness.

-Industrial agriculture has substantiallyincreased global agricultural productivity leading to much more food for a growing human population.

-Industrialized farming which produces greenhouse gases emission, pollutes the air and water and destroy wildlife.



-It increases food production:

Large scale industrial farms have an advantage over traditional farms when it comes to producing food fast and in large amount.

-It lowers consumer cost:

Industrial farms are also helpful in reducing food cost and making food more accessible even for consumers who have low income.

-It encourage technological development and innovation:

These farms rely heavily on modern tools and technologies. It helps reproduce more food and increases the work efficiency.

-It create employment opportunities:

When large arms are established,employment opportunities are created and the local economy where it is located improves.

-It lengthens food availability:

Itihaas helpline create new ways to transport store and process food along these products to last longer without going bad.This has helped increase the amount of food available while reducing waste.


-It increases the risk of animal cruelty:

Factory farms keep animal in tight,confined areas where they do not have the space to free and do what animal naturally do.

-It negatively impacts small business agriculture:

industrial farms are owned by large corporation with the money to use modern tools and technologies therefore they can produce more food more efficiently. Small business farmers not have enough money to fulfill the basic technologies and tools and they do not get a good price on the market field.

-It creates environmental concerns:

Large scale industry produce a large amount of waste and by products. Devli dam built on the nearby water bodies and public areas. It can cause water pollution,air pollution,spreading of diseases, etc..

-It contributes to health problem:

Industrial agriculture can be determined to our health in a few ways.One is through the pollution it produces,which is harmful to those who live nearby and make them susceptible to illness.

-It can produce low quality food:

food crops are often sprayed with pesticides which you could make a people sick battery from engine to their animals with antibiotics that are supposed to prevent them getting sick.the bacteria can mutate and develop into illness that can't be treated by antibiotics and this illness are transmitted to the people who eat this products.


Genetically modified organism that can be defined as organism in which the genetic material has been altered in the way that does not occur naturally by mating.


a) Allergenicity:

-The reason why transfer of genes from commonly allergenic organism to non-allergic organism is discouraged unless it has been demonstrated that the protein product of the transferred gene is not allergenic.

b) Gene transfer:

-It refers to the possible gene transfer from GM foods to bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract or body cells with the potential affect human health negatively.

c) Outcrossing:

-It happens when the genes from GM plants migrate into conventional crops.As a result,there may be indirect effect on food safety.


-Once GMOs are introduced in the environment they cannot be recalled,which is potentially dangerous regarding issues such as outcrossing originate mutant bugs aur plants that may interfere with food chains. In this way the effect of GM plants on nondiegetic organism can be dangerous and deadly.

-GM crops sare serious thread to farmer sovereignty assessment number of companies hold the patent of seeds. This reducedcompetition levels make it easier for those in the market to raise the price of seeds.which farmers needed by every year since the harvested seeds where engineering in such a way that once replaced they would not perform the same.


-Food is an important material for all living waste ends up wasting nearly a quarter of our water supply in the form of an uneaten food.when we waste food we are not just wasting food we are also wasting and other resources that went into growing it.

It also causes:


-Spreading of microorganisms from dumped food waste.

-Wasting of food resources.


-Planned shopping

-Store food correctly

-Learn to preserve

-Don't be a perfectionist.

-Keep your fridge cultter-free.

-Save leftover.

-Eat the yolk.

-Be seed saver.

-Make homemade stock.


Here we discuss about:

-Industrial agriculture, its pros and cons.

-Safety of genetically modified food crops.

-Environmental problem associated with food waste and action to reduce food waste.

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