
In: Computer Science

How can I get res_ticket using php getstring? var post_data = "res_id=RYSEZ21786" + "&res_ticket=res8azjcfLQTHNU2mVtG" + "&pan="...

How can I get res_ticket using php getstring?

var post_data = "res_id=RYSEZ21786" +

"&res_ticket=res8azjcfLQTHNU2mVtG" +

"&pan=" + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('pan').value) +

"&pan_mm=" + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('exp_month').value) +

"&pan_yy=" + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('exp_year').value) +

"&cardholder=" + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('cardholder').value) +

avs_details +

cvd_details +



Expert Solution


I think you are asking to sendjavascript variable to php script to get the string "res_ticket=res8azjcfLQTHNU2mVtG"

There is two way to do this:

1. You can split the post_data varialb estring in javascript and can set it in html hidden feild from JS function and with you can get that res_ticket at php side by method $GET["res_ticket"]

like below

<script type="text/javascript">
    //pass your post_data variable in this javascript function
    function getstring(post_data) {
        var arr  = str.split("&");
        document.getElementById("res_ticket").value = arr[0];

<form name="myform" action="" method="POST">
    <input type="hidden" name="res_ticket" id="res_ticket" />

   $res_ticket = $_POST['res_ticket']; // or by $_GET["res_ticket"]
   echo $query;

Another way if you can set your javascript post_data variable to php file by above method and can parse string by php explode metthod like below

// string which can be long like your given string saperated by "&"
$post_data = "res_id=RYSEZ21786&res_ticket=res8azjcfLQTHNU2mVtG" ;

// pass delimiter and string to explode will convert array of string
$post_data_arr = explode('&', $post_data);
// view result using will get the "res_ticket" string from array

Above are two way to sent javascript variable to php script..

Feel free to ask any question if you might have by comment box.


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