
In: Computer Science

Write a C++ function to sort the characters in words in a inputed phrase. DO not...

Write a C++ function to sort the characters in words in a inputed phrase. DO not sort the characters in the string.

Some of the steps has been done for you. Fill out the program in C++. See below for the expected console output.

Make the program as simple as possible. Use introductory Object-Oriented C++ programming. If all the requirements are met, then this will be upvoted.

Do use the C++ Standard Library headers, do not use the C Standard Library headers (For instance, include cmath instead of math.h)

Do not use cstring’s or any of the cstring functions (strlen(), strcpy(), strcmp(), etc.)



using namespace std;

string sortPhrase(string phrase){

int main(){
string sentence;
cout << "Enter a phrase: ";
getline(cin, phrase);

Expected Console Outputs:

Enter a phrase: Hello welcome to the exciting world of programming languages!  

The sorted phrase: Hello exciting languages! of programming the to welcome world

Enter a phrase: May the Force be with you!

The sorted phrase: Force May be the with you!   

Enter a phrase: There's no place like home.

The sorted phrase: There's home. like no place


Expert Solution

The following is the code for above question. Since you were asked for the solution to be as simple as possible, i tried to keep it as simple as such, without using C Standard Library headers and also used basic c++ programming. This can also be done using other complex libraries also(vector,stringstream,strtok etc..).

using namespace std;
string sortPhrase(string phrase){  //function to sort the string and return it
  int i,j,k=0;
  string s[100],t,temp,sentence="";
  for(char x:phrase)  //split the string based on empty space and store the words in string array
      if(x==' ')  //if space is found
          s[k++]=t; //put the word before space into string array
          t=""; //Now make the string to ""
          t=t+x; //else keep on adding each character till space is found
  s[k++]=t; //to put the last word
          if(s[i]>s[j]) //sorting the words 
  //Now convert the array of words to form a complete sentence by concatenating them
      if(i!=k-1) //if not last word
          sentence=sentence+s[i]+" ";
      else //if last word
  return sentence; //return the sentence
int main()
    string phrase,sentence;
    cout<<"Enter a phrase: ";
    getline(cin,phrase); //input the phrase
    sentence=sortPhrase(phrase); //sort the phrase
    cout<<sentence; //output the sorted phrase
    return 0;

I am also attaching the output and code screenshot for your reference.

Output and code screenshot:

#Please dont forget to upvote if you find the solution helpful. Feel free to ask doubts if any, in the comments section. Thank you

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