
In: Math

True or False The critical value is the number of standard errors on either side of...

True or False The critical value is the number of standard errors on either side of the sample proportion.

True or False The margin of error is smaller for a 95% confidence interval than for a 90% confidence interval.

True or False Type II Error is caused by rejecting the null hypothesis when the null hypothesis was actually true.

True or False Type I and Type II errors are related. The only way to decrease both is to decrease the sample size.

True or False A small P-value indicates that the observation obtained is improbable given the null hypothesis and thus provides evidence against the null hypothesis.

True or False The purpose of hypothesis testing is to prove our belief for a given scenario.

True or False A Type I error is always worse than a Type II error.

True or False The alternative hypothesis, HA, contains the values of the parameter we consider plausible when we reject the null hypothesis, H0.


Expert Solution

1) The critical value is the number of standard errors on either side of the sample proportion is False Statement
Correct answer: False

2) The margin of error is smaller for a 95% confidence interval than for a 90% confidence interval is false statement
Correct answer: False

3) Type II Error is caused by rejecting the null hypothesis when the null hypothesis was actually true is false statement
Correct answer: False

4) Type I and Type II errors are related. The only way to decrease both is to decrease the sample size is false statement
Correct answer: False

5) A small P-value indicates that the observation obtained is improbable given the null hypothesis and thus provides evidence against the null hypothesis is true
Correct answer: True

6) The purpose of hypothesis testing is to prove our belief for a given scenario is false
Correct answer: False

7) A Type I error is always worse than a Type II error is true
Correct aswer: true

8) The alternative hypothesis, HA, contains the values of the parameter we consider plausible when we reject the null hypothesis, H0. True
Correct aswer: true

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