In: Nursing
1. Tuberculosis
An infectious disease caused by the bacterium , Mycobacterium Tuberculosis , mainly affecting the lungs , where it causes tubercles charecterised by the expectoration mucus and sputum , weight loss , chest pain and fever.
Clues : The main symptoms that indicated the presence of TB are present in her; such as coughing that continue for three weeks or more, fever , weight loss , chills , night sweats , coughing up blood etc. Also she had a Positive Tuberculin skin test last year.
2. If the patient is suffering with Tuberculosis, her
X- ray : X- ray of chest shows the cavitation of the lung tissues , caused by tbe bacterial infection.
Interferon - gamma release assay ( IGRA ) : is a bloodtest using antigens and controls. IGRA of a TB patient shows positive result.
Microscopy and culture of sputum findigs :
Tuberculosis infection is indicated by the Positive Acid fast staining technique during the Sputum smear microscopy , Detection of Myocobatcterium Tuberculosis during culture in Egg medium or broth.
Negative or Non Acid fast staining , negative sputum culture can give a doubt for present diagnosis.
5. HIV status and its importance
* HIV infected individuals are more susceptible to develop Tuberculosis
* HIV infection in some people may cause negative test results for some other test, ( such as Tb ) as the immune system, which is responsible for test reactions , is not working properly
7. The first physician doubted the case as bronchitis due to the presence of Coughing and sputum production and she experienced the fatigue for one month .