
In: Computer Science

COMPLETE JAVA CODE: public final class Vector2 {       // NOTE:    Before you get...


public final class Vector2 {
   // NOTE:    Before you get started with the constructors, implement the class variables and
   // =====   the accessor methods (getX,getY). The tester for the constructors relies on these
   //           methods being implemented. After this, move ahead with the constructors
// class variables here

* Creates the vector <code>(0.0, 0.0)</code>.
public Vector2() {

* Creates the vector <code>(x, y)</code>.
* @param x
* the x-component of the vector
* @param y
* the y-component of the vector
public Vector2(double x, double y) {

* Creates a vector with the same components as another vector.
* @param other
* a vector to copy the components from
public Vector2(Vector2 other) {


* Returns the x component of the vector.
* @return the x component of the vector.
public double getX() {

* Sets the x component of the vector.
* @param x
* the new value of the x component.
public void setX(double x) {

* Returns the y component of the vector.
* @return the y component of the vector.
public double getY() {

* Sets the y component of the vector.
* @param y
* the new value of the y component.
public void setY(double y) {


* Sets the x and y component of the vector.
* @param x
* the new value of the x component.
* @param y
* the new value of the y component.
public void set(double x, double y) {


* Add a vector to this vector changing the components of this vector.
* <p>
* Mathematically, if this vector is <code>a</code> and the other vector is
* <code>b</code> then invoking this method is equivalent to computing
* <code>a + b</code> and assigning the value back to <code>a</code>.
* @param other
* the vector to add to this vector.
* @return this <code>Vector2D</code> object
public Vector2 add(Vector2 other) {

* Subtract a vector from this vector changing the components of this
* vector.
* <p>
* Mathematically, if this vector is <code>a</code> and the other vector is
* <code>b</code> then invoking this method is equivalent to computing
* <code>a - b</code> and assigning the value back to <code>a</code>.
* @param other
* the vector to subtract this vector.
* @return this <code>Vector2D</code> object
public Vector2 subtract(Vector2 other) {

* Multiply this vector by a scalar amount changing the components of this
* vector.
* <p>
* Mathematically, if this vector is <code>a</code> and the scalor is
* <code>s</code> then invoking this method is equivalent to computing
* <code>s * a</code> and assigning the value back to <code>a</code>.
* @param s
* the scalar value to multiply the vector by
* @return this <code>Vector2D</code> object
public Vector2 multiply(double s) {

* Returns the magnitude of this vector.
* @return the magnitude of this vector.
public double mag() {

* Returns a new <code>Vector2D</code> equal to <code>a + b</code>.
* @param a
* a vector
* @param b
* another vector
* @return a new <code>Vector2D</code> equal to <code>a + b</code>
public static Vector2 add(Vector2 a, Vector2 b) {

* Returns a new <code>Vector2D</code> equal to <code>a - b</code>.
* @param a
* a vector
* @param b
* another vector
* @return a new <code>Vector2D</code> equal to <code>a - b</code>
public static Vector2 subtract(Vector2 a, Vector2 b) {

* Returns a new <code>Vector2D</code> equal to <code>s * a</code>.
* @param s
* a scalar
* @param a
* a vector
* @return a new <code>Vector2D</code> equal to <code>s * a</code>
public static Vector2 multiply(double s, Vector2 a) {


* Returns the vector having magnitude one pointing in the direction
* <code>theta</code> degrees from the x axis.
* <p>
* The components of the vector are equal to
* <code>(Math.cos(rad), Math.sin(rad))</code> where <code>rad</code> is
* <code>theta</code> expressed in radians.
* @param theta
* the direction that the vector is pointing in measured in
* degrees from the x axis
* @return the unit vector pointing in the given direction
public static Vector2 dirVector(double theta) {


* Returns a string representation of the vector. The string is the name of
* the vector, followed by the comma separated components of the vector
* inside parentheses.
* @return a string representation of the vector
public String toString() {


* Determines if two vectors are almost equal (similar). Two vectors are
* similar if the magnitude of their vector difference is smaller than the
* specified tolerance.
* @param other
* the other vector to compare
* @param tol
* the threshold length of the vector difference
* <code>(this - other)</code>
* @return <code>true</code> if the length of <code>(this - other)</code> is
* less than <code>tol</code>, and <code>false</code> otherwise
public boolean similarTo(Vector2 other, double tol) {


Expert Solution

I have implement a small Test class to try out the functions,  

import java.math.*;

//implemented Vector2 class
class Vector2 {

  private double x, y;

  public Vector2() {
    x = 0;
    y = 0;

  public Vector2(double x, double y) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;

  public Vector2(Vector2 other) {
    this.x = other.x;
    this.y = other.y;

  public double getX() {
    return x;

  public void setX(double x) {
    this.x = x;

  public double getY() {
    return y;

  public void setY(double y) {
    this.y = y;

  public void set(double x, double y) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;

  public Vector2 add(Vector2 other) {
    this.x += other.x;
    this.y += other.y;

    return this;

  public Vector2 subtract(Vector2 other) {
    this.x -= other.x;
    this.y -= other.y;

    return this;

  public Vector2 multiply(double s) {
    this.x *= s;
    this.y *= s;

    return this;

  public double mag() {
    return Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);

  public static Vector2 add(Vector2 a, Vector2 b) {
    return new Vector2(a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y);

  public static Vector2 subtract(Vector2 a, Vector2 b) {
    return new Vector2(a.x - b.x, a.y - b.y);

  public static Vector2 multiply(double s, Vector2 a) {
    return new Vector2(s * a.x, s * a.y);

  public static Vector2 dirVector(double theta) {
    return new Vector2(Math.cos(theta), Math.sin(theta));

  public String toString() {
    return "Vector2_" + Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(this)) + "  [x=" + x + ", y=" + y + "]";

  public boolean similarTo(Vector2 other, double tol) {

    Vector2 c = Vector2.subtract(this, other);
    double cLength = c.mag();

    if (cLength < tol)
      return true;
      return false;



//example test class code
public class Test {
  public static void main(String args[]) {

    Vector2 a = new Vector2(3, 4);
    Vector2 b = new Vector2(12, 5);
    Vector2 c = Vector2.subtract(a, b);
    System.out.println(a.similarTo(b, 10));


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