
In: Computer Science

The BBQ implementation of the Q interface, was a FIFO (First-In, First-Out) queue. Using BBQ as...

The BBQ implementation of the Q interface, was a FIFO (First-In, First-Out) queue. Using BBQ as a guide, write a class called QBB that implements the Q interface as a LIFO (Last-In, First Out) queue. In a FIFO queue elements are removed in the ordered in which they added. In a LIFO queue, elements are removed in the reverse order of arrival. Use a String array as the basis of your implementation.

* A simplified queue interface to manage a FIFO arrangement of data. The interface
* can be implemented on any arrangement as long as the data are Strings.
public interface Q {
/** Accessor for size */
int getSize();
/** Accessor for capacity */
int getCapacity();
* Adds a new arrival to the queue, if there is space. The new
* element is added always to the back of the queue.
* If the addition is successful the method returns true. If the
* queue is full, the method returns false.
* @param s value to add to the queue
* @return true is joining the queue succesful; false if q full.
boolean arrival(String s);
* Method to remove element from q. The element is removed always
* from the front of the queue.
* @return True if removal successful; false if q is empty already.
boolean departure();
/** Displays a brief description of the queue and its contents */
void displayQ() ;


public class BBQ implements Q {
/* How many clients can the queue hold */
private int capacity;
/* How many clients are already in the queue */
private int size;
/* The million dollar question: underlying structure? */
private String[] q; // let's go with an array
/* Index position of the back of the q */
private int b;
/* Index position of the front of the q */
private int f;
/** Default constructor sets capacity to 5 and queue is empty */
public BBQ() {
capacity = 5;
size = 0;
q = new String[capacity];
f = b = 0;
} // default constructor CarWash
/** Basic constructor */
public BBQ(int capacity) {
this.capacity = capacity;
size = 0;
q = new String[capacity];
f = b = 0;
/** Accessor for size */
public int getSize() {
return size;
/** Accessor for capacity */
public int getCapacity() { return capacity; }
/** Accessor for the front of the queue */
public int getF() { return f; }
* Method to add a new arrival to the queue, if there is space.
* If the addition is successful the method returns true. If the
* queue is full, the method returns false.
* @param s value to add to the queue
* @return true is joining the queue successful; false if q full.
public boolean arrival(String s) {
boolean successfulArrival = false;
// Make sure there is room in the queue
if ( size < capacity ) {
// New arrival goes to the back of the q
q[b] = s;
// The back position is updated
// The size of the queue increases.
// And we flag the success!
successfulArrival = true;
return successfulArrival;
} // method arrival
* Method to remove element from q.
* @return True if removal successful; false if q is empty already.
public boolean departure() {
boolean successfulDeparture = false;
// Make sure q is not empty
if ( size > 0 ) {
// Departures are always from the front of the q
q[0] = null;
/* Move everyone closer to the front; this is not computationally
efficient as it runs in O(n) time; however ... for small queues
with capacity < 30, we can sacrifice efficiency in favor of
simplicity. Computationally efficient methods to add and remove
elements from the queue are provided as well, at the bottom of
this class:
efficientArrival(String s), and
at the end of the class.
for ( int i = 0; i < size-1; i++) {
q[i] = q[i+1];
// Back of the q also moves forward
// And the corresponding position is cleared
q[b] = null;
// Update size
successfulDeparture = true;
return successfulDeparture;
} // method departure
* Method to display queue description and contents
public void displayQ() {
System.out.println("\nQueue status");
System.out.printf("Capacity %d, size %d, back at [%d], front at [%d]: \n", q.length, size, b, f);
for (int i = 0; i < q.length; i++) {
String element = q[i] == null ? " [ ] " : " [ " + q[i] + " ] " ;
} // method displayQ
/** Method for simple queue visualization */
public void miniDisplayQ() {
for (int i = 0; i < q.length; i++) {
String element = q[i] == null ? " " : "#" ;
} // method miniDisplayQ
/** Local main for quick testing */
public static void main(String[] args) {
BBQ q = new BBQ(4);
BBQ qq = new BBQ(4);
} // method main
* Alternative method to add element to queue in O(1) time instead of O(n).
* If there is room in the queue, the new item is added to the back of the
* queue and the back position is pushed one element backwards. The % operator
* ensures that we remain within array bounds. The technique is simpler than
* it looks: we use the array to hold the items that are in line. We remove
* from the front of the line (wherever that front may be situated along
* the array, as indicated by int f) and we add items to the back of the queue
* (wherever int b points to).
* In an abundance of caution we should include logic to make sure that as
* the back of the queue (int b) is moved backwards (b++ % capacity), it does
* not collide with a position marked by int f. Maybe in a future version ...
* @param s value of string to add
* @return true if s is added to the queue; false if there is no room for it.
public boolean efficientArrival(String s) {
boolean successfulArrival = false;
if ( size < capacity ) {
successfulArrival = true;
q[b] = s;
b = (b+1) % capacity;
return successfulArrival;
} // method efficientArrival
* Method to remove element fron Q consistent with the mapping used by
* method efficientArrival. Here we set the array element corresponding
* to the queue departing item to null, and advanced the front of the line
* to the next position. We use % because, well array bounds.
* @return true if removal successful; false if there is nothing to remove
public boolean efficientDeparture() {
boolean successfulDeparture = false;
if ( size > 0 ) {
successfulDeparture = true;
q[f] = null;
f = (f+1) % capacity;
return successfulDeparture;
} // method efficientDeparture


Expert Solution

* : A simplified queue interface to manage a LIFO arrangement of data. The
* interface can be implemented on any arrangement as long as the data are Strings.
public class QBB implements Q

   /* How many clients can the queue hold */
   private int capacity;
   /* How many clients are already in the queue */
   private int size;

   /* The million dollar question: underlying structure? */
   private String[] q; // let's go with an array

   /* Index position of the back of the q */
   private int b;
   /* Index position of the front of the q */
   private int f;

   /** Default constructor sets capacity to 5 and queue is empty */
   public QBB() {
       capacity = 5;
       size = 0;
       q = new String[capacity];
       f = b = 0;
   } // default constructor
   /** Basic constructor */
   public QBB(int capacity) {
       this.capacity = capacity;
       size = 0;
       q = new String[capacity];
       f = b = 0;
   public int getSize() {
       return size;

   public int getCapacity() {
       return capacity;

   /** Accessor for the front of the queue */
   public int getF() { return f; }
   * Method to add a new arrival to the queue, if there is space.
   * If the addition is successful the method returns true. If the
   * queue is full, the method returns false.
   * @param s value to add to the queue
   * @return true is joining the queue successful; false if q full.
   public boolean arrival(String s) {
       if(size < capacity) // array has space
           q[b] = s; // add s at the end of q
           b++; // increment back index
           size++; // increment size
           return true;
       // array is full
       return false;

   * Method to remove element from q.
   * @return True if removal successful; false if q is empty already.
   public boolean departure() {
       if(size > 0) // queue is not empty
           b--; // remove the last element, since the queue is implemented as LIFO
           q[b] = null; // set last element as null
           size--; // decrement size
           return true;
       // queue is empty
       return false;

   * Method to display queue description and contents
   public void displayQ() {
       System.out.println("\nQueue status");
       System.out.printf("Capacity %d, size %d, back at [%d], front at [%d]: \n", q.length, size, b, f);
       for (int i = 0; i < q.length; i++) {
           String element = q[i] == null ? " [ ] " : " [ " + q[i] + " ] " ;
   /** Method for simple queue visualization */
   public void miniDisplayQ() {
       for (int i = 0; i < q.length; i++) {
           String element = q[i] == null ? " " : "#" ;
   } // method miniDisplayQ

/** Local main for quick testing */
   public static void main(String[] args)
       QBB q = new QBB(4);

//end of


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