
In: Psychology

B. For each of the following operant conditioning situations, identify whether this is an example of...

B. For each of the following operant conditioning situations, identify whether this is an example of positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment, or negative punishment. Put a + or – next to the stimulus to show if it is being added or taken away.

1. Jamie spanks his child for playing in the street.

2. An “A” on exam that you studied real hard for.

4. Getting a pay check.

5. Reducing anxiety by smoking a cigarette.

6. Embarrassing a student for giving a wrong answer.

7. Taking an aspirin to relieve a headache

8. Receiving a hug from your parents after throwing a temper tantrum.

9. Getting fired from your job because you show up late to work.

11. Lindsay wasn’t doing well in her 6th grade math class. Her teacher told her parents that Lindsay handed in less than 50% of her assignments. Her parents told Lindsay that any day on which she did not hand in her homework she would be sent to bed right after dinner. As a result of this threat, Lindsay has handed in her assignment 97% of the time.

12. In order to receive his allowance Jake cleans up his room regularly.

13. Greg does not go to the dentist every 6 months for a check-up. Instead, he waited until a tooth really hurts, then goes to the dentist. After 2 emergency trips to the dentist, Greg now goes to the dentist every 6 months like he should.

14. After Cassie flirted with someone else at the party, her boyfriend stopped talking to her. Cassie didn’t flirt at the next party.

15. The annoying student jumps up and down, hand raised, yelling “me, me, me!”

until the teacher calls on her. The child jumps and yells even more in the future.

16. Police randomly stop drivers and give tickets to those who are not wearing their seat belts; as a result of this program seat belt use increases in town.

Provide an example of shaping a behavior:

C. How could you stop your dog from pooping in the house using

Positive punishment:

Negative Punishment:

Positive Reinforcement:

Negative Reinforcement:


Expert Solution

1. Jamie spanks his child for playing in the street. Positive punishment.

2. An “A” on exam that you studied real hard for. Positive reinforcement.

4. Getting a pay check. Positive reinforcement.

5. Reducing anxiety by smoking a cigarette. Negative reinforcement.

6. Embarrassing a student for giving a wrong answer. Positive punishment

7. Taking an aspirin to relieve a headache. Negative reinforcement.

8. Receiving a hug from your parents after throwing a temper tantrum. Positive reinforcement.

9. Getting fired from your job because you show up late to work. Positive punishment.

11. Lindsay wasn’t doing well in her 6th grade math class. Her teacher told her parents that Lindsay handed in less than 50% of her assignments. Her parents told Lindsay that any day on which she did not hand in her homework she would be sent to bed right after dinner. As a result of this threat, Lindsay has handed in her assignment 97% of the time. Positive punishment.

12. In order to receive his allowance Jake cleans up his room regularly. Negative reinforcement.

13. Greg does not go to the dentist every 6 months for a check-up. Instead, he waited until a tooth really hurts, then goes to the dentist. After 2 emergency trips to the dentist, Greg now goes to the dentist every 6 months like he should. Negative reinforcement.

14. After Cassie flirted with someone else at the party, her boyfriend stopped talking to her. Cassie didn’t flirt at the next party. Negative punishment.

15. The annoying student jumps up and down, hand raised, yelling “me, me, me!”

until the teacher calls on her. The child jumps and yells even more in the future. Positive reinforcement.

16. Police randomly stop drivers and give tickets to those who are not wearing their seat belts; as a result of this program seat belt use increases in town. Positive punishment.

Please post the other questions separately. As per our answering guidelines we are supposed to answer just one question or four sub parts of the same question.

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