
In: Computer Science

1. a.Include a Javadoc comment at the top of the class. The Javadoc comment should contain:...


a.Include a Javadoc comment at the top of the class. The Javadoc comment should contain:

i.The name of the class and a (very) short description

ii.An @author tag followed by your name

iii.An @version tag followed by the version number.

b.Do not include a main method inside the class definition. Remember the main method is what gets executed first when we start our program. In this case, the Sphere class is not a complete program. It will simply be used to represent a Sphere concept. We will create our main method in a separate Driver class.

2.A Sphere is defined mathematically as the set of points in 3D space that are all at the same distance r (radius) from a given point. This suggests that a Sphere should have instance variables that represent the following:



c.Z-coordinate 1


3.The Sphere class needs a constructor which accepts a parameter for each of these four attributes, and assigns the value to the respective instance variable.

4.Create an accessor and a mutator for each instance variable.

5.Create a method that returns the surface area of the Sphere. The formula for the surface area A of a sphere of radius r =4휋푟!.

6.Create a method that returns the volume of the Sphere. The formula for the volume V of a sphere of radius r ="#휋푟#.

7.Create a toString()method which returns a String composed of the concatenation of the information in the Sphere. Customarily the toString() is the last method in the class


Expert Solution

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- Please note that I have added a main method just for testing. Please remove it as it is mentioned in the question not to write main method in same java file

 * @author Aman Kaushik - <Write you name here>
 * @version 1.1 <Give a version of your choice here>
 * @param request
 * @return gives a layout of the class Sphere and has methods to compute surface area and volume of sphere
public class Sphere {
        double X , Y , Z , radius;
public double getX() {
                return X;
        public void setX(double x) { // mutator
                X = x;
        public double getY() { // accessor
                return Y;
        public void setY(double y) {
                Y = y;
        public double getZ() {
                return Z;
        public void setZ(double z) {
                Z = z;
        public double getRadius() {
                return radius;
        public void setRadius(double radius) {
                this.radius = radius;
        X = 0;
        Y = 0;
        Z = 0;
        radius = 0;
Sphere(int X , int Y , int Z , int radius){
        this.X = X;
        this.Y = Y;
        this.Z = Z;
        this.radius = radius;

public double getSurfaceArea() {
        return 4 * Math.PI * radius * radius; // 4 pi r square

public double getVolume() {
        return (4/3) * (Math.PI * radius * radius * radius); // 4/3 pi r cube

public String toString() {
        return "Sphere with radius "+this.radius+" has volume = "+this.getVolume()+" and surface area = "+this.getSurfaceArea();

public static void main(String[] args) {
        Sphere s = new Sphere(10 , 20 ,20 , 11);


Sample output

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