
In: Computer Science

In java, (include javadoc comments for each method) design a class named Contacts that has fields...

In java, (include javadoc comments for each method)
design a class named Contacts that has fields for a person’s name, phone number and email address. The class should have a no-arg constructor and a constructor that takes in all fields, appropriate setter and getter methods. Then write a program that creates at least five Contacts objects and stores them in an ArrayList. In the program create a method, that will display each object in the ArrayList. Call the method to demonstrate that it works.


Expert Solution

public class Main{
public static void main(String args[]){
//create array of Contact object
Contact[] obj = new Contact[2] ;

//create actual Contact object
obj[0] = new Contact();
obj[1] = new Contact();

//assign data to Contact objects
obj[0].setData(1008795,"era","[email protected]");
obj[1].setData(2056840,"XYZ","[email protected]");

//display the Contact object data
System.out.println(" Contact Object 1:");
System.out.println(" Contact Object 2:");
//Contact class with phone,email and name as attributes
public class Contact{
   int phone;
   String name;
   String email;
   public void setData(int phone,String name,String email){
   int this. phone=phone;
   String this. email=email;

public int getphone() {



    public void setphone(int phone) { = phone;


public String getName() {



    public void setName(int name) { name;


public String getEmail() {



    public void setEmail(int email) {;


   public void showData(){
       System.out.print("phone = "+phone + " " + " Name = "+name+" email = "+email);

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