
In: Computer Science

Using one of the computers which are available in KUST’s Labs. Or even at home, use...

Using one of the computers which are available in KUST’s Labs. Or even at home, use DOS commands (running “cmd” command) to determine the following (you may need to show the DOS window to demonstrate your answers):

  1. How many Network Interface Modules are available in the PC (you may run the command ipconfig/all);   
  2. What is the physical address for each Network Interface Module; c- What are the IP addresses of the PC, default gateway, DHCP server, and DNS servers

d- How many routers are there between the PC and the remote web server:


Expert Solution

I will first send the result of the command ipconfig /all

a) 2. I have an ethernet and wireless network interface device

B). physical address is marked on the screen shot. The physical address for both wireless and ethernet network interface device are different.

C).ipaddress : it is also in the screenshot,

The ipv4 address is ,

Default gateway:

DHCP server:

DNS server is also the same.

D). To know how many routers are between the remote server,you can use tracerout utility.

The command helps to identify the route it takes.

for eg.let the remote server is Google

Then type command as tracert then address of Google. (I can't type the address here..I will type the full command in the comment section)

I got 8 routers. In middle. It will be different from time to time,because the best route will be used each time

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