
In: Biology

BIOCHEMISTRY ASSIGNMENT UNIT TITLE: BHND 222/CHTU 125/BEH 125 1. Name all the enzymes and co-enzymes involved...



  1. 1. Name all the enzymes and co-enzymes involved in digestion of carbohydrates, Lipids and proteins in the human body from the mouth to intestines and up to absorption to the liver
  2. Describe the metabolic pathways for glucose, amino acids and fatty acids and glycerol in the Liver
  3. a) Draw the Animal cell and its detailed organelles and describe the structure of the cell membrane b) Explain the transport mechanisms across the cell membrane.
  4. Explain the processes of lipogenesis and Gluconeogenesis
  5. Write about glycogen storage disease
  6. List various types of eicosanoids and explain their importance in the body.
  7. Discuss four diseases associated with nucleic acids’ impairments.
  8. Discuss the formation and transit of high density lipoproteins and low density lipo proteins
  9. Discuss Nucleic Acid drawings, components and structures.
  10. Describe the following cycles in the human body
  11. a) Pyruvate cycle b) Cori-cycle     c) urea cycle    d) Krebs cycle      e) amino acid synthesis


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As for the mechanical digestion within the human body is concerned, it is quite simple and involves physical breakdown of food but does the modify the chemical composition of the food. As far as chemical digestion is concerned, it is a relatively complex process in comparison to the mechanical digestion, as it breaks down the food into chemical building blocks which are further consumed to feed the cells of the body.

Chemical digestion of starch starts in the mouth. Glucose, galactose, and fructose are the three monosaccharides which are usually monopolized and are quickly absorbed. The human digestive system can also break down the disaccharide sucrose, that is, glucose and fructose, lactose and maltose along with polysaccharides glycogen and starch. Human body is not able to secrete enzymes in order to digest cellulose. In small intestine, pancreatic amylase is responsible for carbohydrate digestion. After the food is being broken down by the amylases, the brush border enzyme α-dextrinase actively engages with α-dextrin in the process of glucose break down. These further dissolves the sucrose, lactose, and maltose into monosaccharides. The enzyme sucrase breaks down the sucrose into single units of fructose and glucose; the enzyme maltase splits down the maltose into two and three units of glucose; and the enzyme lactase separates the lactose into one unit of glucose and galactose.

The protein digestion starts in the stomach and finishes off in the small intestine. Protein digestion in stomach is affected by the hydrochoric acid and the pepsin enzyme. Further the pancreas secretes the protein digesting enzymes into the small intestine. The HCl and the pepsin enzyme splits the proteins into smaller polypeptides. Pancreatic enzymes, namely, chymotrypsin and trypsin, works on the bonds present in the series of amino acids. Alongside, the brush border cells produce enzymes, namely, aminopeptidase and dipeptidase, that splits the peptide chains, thus resulting in smaller units which flows into the blood streams.

Lipid digestion takes place with the involvement of three lipases namely,  lingual lipase, gastric lipase, and pancreatic lipase. Since pancreas is the significant supply of lipase, lipid digestion is completed within the small intestine. The enzyme calles as pancreatic lipase splits every triglyceride into two cpmplementary fatty acids and a monoglyceride.

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