
In: Computer Science

import random import turtle def isInScreen(win,turt): leftBound = -win.window_width() / 2 rightBound = win.window_width() / 2...

import random
import turtle

def isInScreen(win,turt):
leftBound = -win.window_width() / 2
rightBound = win.window_width() / 2
topBound = win.window_height() / 2
bottomBound = -win.window_height() / 2

turtleX = turt.xcor()
turtleY = turt.ycor()

stillIn = True
if turtleX > rightBound or turtleX < leftBound:
stillIn = False
if turtleY > topBound or turtleY < bottomBound:
stillIn = False

return stillIn

def main():
wn = turtle.Screen()
# Define your turtles here
june = turtle.Turtle()

while isInScreen(wn,june):
coin = random.randrange(0, 2)
if coin == 0:




  1. Following the process in the previous unit’s assignment, write a function to randomly move a turtle. The function should have at least one parameter, the turtle to move. Call this function in your main program instead of the code that is already there. If you do this correctly, your program will behave the same.
  2. Create a second turtle, make it a different color, and start it at a different location than the current one. The location should be 100 units away, either horizontally or vertically.
  3. The second turtle should move randomly 5 times for every time the first turtle does. It should also move 1/5 the distance as the original turtle each time. This is where having a function with proper parameters comes in handy.
  4. After the loop, write a message, in the center of the window, indicating which turtle was higher up. Use the turtle that is higher (more toward the top of the screen) to do the writing. Be sure your message specifies the turtle. See the write() function in the turtle module for writing text messages in the window.
  5. Once your program works the way you want, rewrite the if statement in the function isInScreen, so it still implements the same logic, but does it a different way. For example, maybe you can use an elif, or maybe you can write several statements and eliminate the use of or. You should probably do this step last, or else if you make a mistake, you'll never be able to debug the rest of your code.


Expert Solution

Hi. I have answered a similar question before. Here is the completed code for this problem. Comments are included, go through it, learn how things work and let me know if you have any doubts or if you need anything to change. If you are satisfied with the solution, please rate the answer. If not, PLEASE let me know before you rate, I’ll help you fix whatever issues. Thanks

Note: Please maintain proper code spacing (indentation), just copy the code part and paste it in your compiler/IDE directly, no modifications required.


File: <filename>
Author: <your name>
Description: This program creates two turtles, move them randomly until one of them goes out of window
import random
import turtle

def isInScreen(win, turt):
    this method checks if turt is inside bounds of win
    :param win: turtle screen
    :param turt: turtle object
    :return: True if inside, False if not
    leftBound = -win.window_width() / 2
    rightBound = win.window_width() / 2
    topBound = win.window_height() / 2
    bottomBound = -win.window_height() / 2
    turtleX = turt.xcor()
    turtleY = turt.ycor()
    stillIn = True
    # modified the if statement to use a different approach. (does the required task in a single step)
    if turtleX > rightBound or turtleX < leftBound or turtleY > topBound or turtleY < bottomBound:
        stillIn = False
    return stillIn

def move(turt, distance):
    This method moves turtle turt in distance spaces randomly
    :param turt: turtle object
    :param distance: distance to be moved
    :return: nothing
    # randomly turning left or right 90 degrees and moving forward distance spaces
    coin = random.randrange(0, 2)
    if coin == 0:

def main():
    this is where execution starts. the method creates two turtles, move them continiously until
    one of them goes outside the window. first turtle moves greater distance, but slowly,
    second turtle moves quickly, but using 1/5th of the speed of first
    :return: nothing
    wn = turtle.Screen()
    june = turtle.Turtle()  # first turtle
    june.speed(0)  # maximum speed
    tim = turtle.Turtle()  # creating second turtle
    tim.color('red')  # red color
    tim.up()  # pen up
    tim.goto(100, 0)  # placing 100 spaces right to june
    tim.down()  # pen down
    tim.speed(0)  # max speed
    # looping until june or tim goes out of bounds
    while isInScreen(wn, june) and isInScreen(wn, tim):
        move(june, 50)  # moving june 50 spaces
        for i in range(5):  # looping for 5 times
            move(tim, 10)  # moving tim 10 spaces (1/5th of june's distance)
    # after while loop, checking which turtle is up high
    if june.pos()[1] > tim.pos()[1]:
        june.up()  # pen up
        june.goto(0, 0)  # moving to center
        # writing a message saying that the first turtle was up high
        june.write("First turtle was higher up!", align='center', font=("Arial", 16, "bold"))
        # doing the same with tim (second turtle)
        tim.goto(0, 0)
        tim.write("Second turtle was higher up!", align='center', font=("Arial", 16, "bold"))


#output screenshots

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