
In: Computer Science



from itertools import count

def take_e(n, gen):

    return [elem for (i, elem) in enumerate(gen) if i < n]

def take_zc(n, gen):

    return [elem for (i, elem) in zip(count(), gen) if i < n]


def fibonacci_unbounded():


    Unbounded Fibonacci numbers generator


    (a, b) = (0, 1)

    while True:

        # return a

        yield a

        (a, b) = (b, a + b)


take_e(5, fibonacci_unbounded())


Expert Solution

The code under function fibonacci_unbounded is 100% correct.It will create and return a infinite fibonacci generator object.


return [elem for (i, elem) in enumerate(gen()) if i < n]

          This is a normal list comprehension statment. The wrong   here is that a termination statement is not provided .

NO ,i<n will not terminate and return the list. It is a check condition for the values which has to inserted in list . It is not responsible for the termination and returning of the list. i<n will keep checking for the next element till infinity .

Same problem in the take_zc function

                       Thats why this code is not working.

REMEDY:- Replace your take_e function with this

             def take_e(n, gen):
                    l1 = []
                    for i,elem in enumerate(gen):
                          if i>=n:return l1

Attaching the full code with output:-


NOTE :- Since , you haven't asked for take_zc function and I am not sure what this function want to achieve .It is difficult for me to write an alternative solution for that function.


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