In: Nursing
Social casework is an ongoing process of Exploration(study),Assessment (diagnosis)formulation of goals and treatment planning ,intervention (treatment)evaluation and termination (disengagement) Fern Lowry(1936)described this process as similar in form to rope woven multiple stands.
A)Engaging-In social work practice,engagements is both a process and an outcome.It requires the effective and balanced use of helping skills and protective authority to produce an ongoing worker/client relationship that results in the pursuit and acomplishment of agreed upon goals.
B)Exploration-Exploring the person,the thinking ,feeling,and doing aspects of the clients experience.Seek information about the client's strengths and resources as well as problems and needs .Exploring the situation .Examining current need and when applicable ,past circumstances.
C)Planning-Link between assessment and intervention .translates the content of asessment into goal statement that describes the desired results Concerned with identifying the means to reach the goals.
D)Intervention-Intervention is the stage when the client and social worker mobilize resources to implement the action-plan,both complying with their agreed- upon ecpectations .
E)Evaluation and Termination-Evaluation researchers pursue specific knowledge ,intervention researchers pursue generalizable knowledge .In evaluation ,the goal is to inform leader or administrator decisions about a program,or to inform an individual practitioner's intervention decisions about work with specific clients.
Termination is "The conclusion of the social worker - client intervention process ; a systematic procedure for disengaging the working relationship.It occures when goals are reached ,when the specified time for working has ended ,or when the client is no longer interested in continuing.Termination is the final stage of counseling and marks the close of the relationships.Termination is the counselor and the client ending the therapeutic alliance.