In: Statistics and Probability
The z table provides _________ probabilities for positive and negative values of z.
We have to fill up the blank given in the question.
The z table provides _________ probabilities for positive and negative values of z.
z table gives the probabilities of Z z
values, that is it gives cumulative probabilities.
For example, if we look in z table for z = -1.25 , then from z
table , we can get cumulative probability
Thus we get:
If we look for next z value = -1.15 , then we can see for z = -1.1 and 0.06 ,
and so on, thus we can say probabilities are cumulative.
Similarly if we look at z = 1.34, we get:
Thus we can see probabilities on z table are cumulative.
Thus answer is: Cumulative.
That is:
The z table provides cumulative probabilities for positive and negative values of z.