
In: Operations Management

4-What is the plea bargaining process? 5-List the six vital functions of thee American jury. 6-What...

4-What is the plea bargaining process?

5-List the six vital functions of thee American jury.

6-What is Habeas Corpus?


Expert Solution

4-Plea bargaining, in Law, the practice of negotiating an agreement between the prosecution and the defense whereby the defendant pleads guilty to a lesser offence or (in the case of multiple offenses) to one or more of the offenses charged in exchange for more lenient sentencing, recommendations, a specific sentence, or a dismissal of other charges.Supporter of plea bargaining claim that it speeds court processding and guarantees a conciction, whereas opponents believe that it prevents justice from being served. the great majority of criminal case in the United States involve some form of plea bargaining. plea bargains are not always easy to recognize. Negotitions that result in formal agreements are termed ''explicit plea bargains.''

5-The six vital functions of The American jury are as follows:-

(i). Prevent government oppression by safeguard citizens against arbitrary law enforcement

(ii). Determine whether the accused is guilty on the basis of the evidence presented

(iii). Represent diverse community interests so that no one set of valuesor biases domintes decision making

(iv). Serve as a buffer between the accused and the accuser

(v). Promote knowledge about the criminal justice system by learning about it through the jury duty process

(vi). Symbolize the role of law and the community foundation that supports the criminal justice system

6-Habeas corpus, an ancient common-law writ, issued by a court or judge directing one who holds another in custody to produce the person before the court for some specified purpose.The framers of the U.S constitution wanted to prohibit this kind of abuse of power in the new United States. Therefore, they included a specific clause in the Consitution to safeguard the right, know as habeas corpus. It's important not to confuse habeas corpus with the right of direct appeal.Criminal defendants are always entitled to appeal a conviction or sentence to a higher court, which then reviews the trial judge's rulings. Habeas corpus provides a separate avenue for challenging imprisonment, and is normally used after a direct appeal ha failed.

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