
In: Biology

Provide a detailed explanation of the effects of obesity on macronutrient metabolism (carbohydrate, lipid and protein)...

Provide a detailed explanation of the effects of obesity on macronutrient metabolism (carbohydrate, lipid and protein) during pregnancy and the resulting effects on fetal growth and development.


Expert Solution

Effects of obesity on macronutrient metabolism is different for each nutrients during pregnancy. Pregnancy is the stage where there is too many fluctuations in the body fluids and hormones and different stages of food intakes as well. If the food intake is not being balanced with the utilization , this will cause increased risk towards obesity. Sometimes , just by following the cravings occuring time to time in pregnancy leads to unwanted obesity which is detrimental for health of the mother as well for the foetus. Now effects of obesity on carbohydrate metabolism- As we carbohydrates metabolism is essential for maintaining the blood glucose level in our body. The consumption of glucose for normal functioning is necessary but excessive calorie intake with slow metabolism resulting in obesity will also effect the blood glucose levels of our body. As we know increase in obesity will cause a parallel increase in acquiring type 2 diabetes which is impaired glucose tolerance. As excess of adipose tissue in the body causes obesity, this effects the coordination of insulin , various neurotransmitters which maintains the normal metabolic carbohydrate cycle. Increased adipose tissues causes metabolic syndrome which results in insulin resistance, glucose tolerance , hypertension and premature heart diseases. Insulin resistance means decreased insulin stimulated glucose transport. Insulin not only effects the metabolism of carbohydrates but also lipids and proteins as well. The role of insulin have same function in lipid metabolism as glucose metabolism. It promotes lipogenesis and inhibits lipolysis. But in obesity, there is a increased level of triglycerides, non HDL levels of cholesterol and increased basal lipolysis. This increase in triglycerides decrease the clearance of non-essential lipoproteins from the body . Protein metabolism is effected as their is increased body weight and improper degradation of desired proteins. During pregnancy all these factors are very harmful and have negative effects on foetal growth and development.Insulin resistance causes increased risk of gestational diabetes which risks tha health of mother as well as the development of foetus. Impaired organs, premature birth, macrosomia etc are harmful effects on foetal growth and development. Sometimes heart failure and decreased nutrients passage to the foetus is also seen in severe obesity cases. Obesity during pregnancy also results in increased chances of C section. So these are the possible effects on foetal growth and development.

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