
In: Economics

PART A Choose one developed nation, one transitional and two developing nations to discuss. Write an...

PART A Choose one developed nation, one transitional and two developing nations to discuss. Write an essay that addresses the following questions:


Find and discuss some of the key policy issues facing each nation. Why do you classify them as developed, transitional or developing?

Discuss what you think are the factors in their political systems, history, etc. impact the ability of these nations to address their policy challenges and develop.  

Based upon your research, are you optimistic about their prospects for success —why or why not?  

What recommendations would you make to each government, if you were called in as a consultant?  

In the countries where there are current trends towards populism, nationalism, etc., give your explanation as to why the trends are developing and

It would be tempting to simply suggest that the governments and systems to fully pattern their policies after the US or another governmental system you may prefer, but why would that be unreasonable and difficult advice to follow.

PART B Discuss the political systems in each of your 4 chosen nations.  What are the differences\similarities in the following areas: power of the executive, nature of the party system (ideology, policy positions,), and structure of interests?  Explain the similarities and differences and use examples.

If you continue your role as consultant to the governments, what advice would you give in terms of improving or strengthening the key areas you have chosen to compare.


Expert Solution


With the rise of countries and cross border trade coming into the picture, most countries of the world have transgressed and seen changes in the political and domestic circles.

The rise of the Information and Technology industry, has further led to enhanced income levels, increased stress on education and has helped in shaping countries across the world.

Every country is not the same the resources available are different so is the employability, per capita income, living standards and the levels and stress of healthcare and education also vary.

To understand the case study we compare developed, transitional and developing countries. A brief overview of this would suggest, that developed countries are those, which have higher per capita income, distribution of income is even, education and employment are plenty. On the other hand a transitional country can be described as one which is changing and from a developing one is slowly turning into a developing one or from and underdeveloped one has started to become a developing one. The developing one, has some characteristics of an underdeveloped country with unemployment and some other areas still there in some parts of the country, while others replicate that of a developed one also.

For the purpose of answering the question, we have chosen the following countries.

  • The developed country we have selected is the United States.
  • The transitional one is China
  • The developing ones are India & Bangladesh

Traits of the countries and how to overcome as part of a consultant’s job in each of the countries is as explained.

  • United States of America (Developed Country) :-

The United States of America is a developed country with people enjoying the benefits of social security and having higher opportunities of employment and finding more roads towards better healthcare, education and nutrition respectively.

The Country is federal one with a top bottom structure in which people directly choose the president who takes key decisions for the country as a whole.

One of the biggest problem of the country is that it overspends on military activities across the globe which is the reason why it has not been able to develop as desired in the recent present.

The country thus needs to realize this and my honest advice would be to cut down on the expenditure incurred on it to be able to safeguard the national interests.

Further, in today's time due to the fact that low paying jobs are available for the country across the globe, companies prefer going global than manufacturing in the States this is a long term problem and must be assessed by providing similar conditions and increasing possibilities of employment in the country.

That said, the country is the pioneer of technological development. Its innovation has made it the giant it has become and the growth prospects for the country are very large. Companies like Amazon & Apple have enabled themselves to sell its products across the globe. Also the government takes steps such as low interest rates for business owners and allow for easier

The only suggestion for the country is to reduce its expenses on unnecessary things and allow for infrastructural development to happen and integrate growth strategies.

China (Transitional):-

China is a transitional company, and is becoming developed. The development of the country is ever evolving and it is shaping itself to be recognized as a global giant. Manufacturing is the strength of the country and is a pioneer in mass production.

The country was developed on the socialist backdrop in which people had limited rights and income distribution was the task of the government and was not left to the forces of markets.

The people of China are heavily nationalist and we can easily see those ignoring brands such as Apple or even Facebook. They are known for developing products using foreign technology but staying nationalist and using only those that are manufactured within the country.

The lower costs of operations has made it a hotspot among companies which prefer setting up its manufacturing hub in the country.

That said, the country has its fair share of problems. To name a few, it is constantly engaged in conflict with other countries primarily India. Further due to the rise of India as an alternative companies have started shifting their base due to the rigidity of the regime.

As a growth advisor, though the country is stable and would be growing way and beyond, the problem of population expansion and others such as the degree of interference by the country in South China Sea, and Dolan which is a disputed territory is also evident.

The country seeks to occupy disputed lands of India and its economic policies are more focused on nationalism than allowing for global trade. This in the long run could be a gridlock between the developed nations and China. Strong Anti-dumping laws which govern imports into countries is also a problem for the country as it disallows China to easily export products.

The advice to be given to the country is that it should allow for a cultural change, in which people accept that the world is one instead of discouraging sale of foreign products.

  • India and Bangladesh Developing

I have merged both of these countries so as to allow an overview of the same since each one has similar political and cultural climate.

The Indian subcontinent which previously had many countries unified was broken down by the British and what we know now is India and Bangladesh as separate countries.

India has rapidly developed and is constantly developing at over 5% over the years. It has become one of the hot spots for investment in Internet technology and is ever evolving.

On the other hand Bangladesh is evolving with the exports of clothing and has transformed itself into a manufacturing hub for the same.

That said, the development of India is better than Bangladesh in most aspects. India is rapidly transforming from an agriculture based economy and is developing other sectors also, whereas that of Bangladesh are limited to manufacturing of shoes and primary activities.

India's service industry has heavily transformed and it is the pioneer in information and technology sector with most service based industries showing strong presence.

India is a secular country whereas Bangladesh is more Muslim dominated in its approach. Thus the political and social environment in both countries is relatively different.

The growth for both countries currently looks good. Bangladesh lags behind India though and my advice would be to be more gender sensitive and allow women for easier access to education, healthcare and similar facilities. Also labor laws should be strictly implemented to allow for better working conditions for the employees which has always been a problem for them.

On the other Hand that for India would be that regional development should be inclusive of small towns and villages also. India has seen rapid development in some selected areas and others have lagged behind. This has resulted in uneven distribution of income in most areas. Unless this is addressed, the country will not be able to call itself as a developed nation respectively.

Please feel free to ask your doubts in the comments section

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