
In: Psychology

5) a)An individual’s learning history – explain how that matters in classical conditioning b) b)Biological preparedness...


a)An individual’s learning history – explain how that matters in classical conditioning b)

b)Biological preparedness (BP) to learn certain associations, i.e., those that are threatening. Define/ explain what BP is.


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Learning is a process that results in a relatively permanent change in behaviour. According to John B Watson's Behaviourism, all behaviours are a result of the learning process.

The basic principle behind Classical conditioning is that behaviours could be learned by association.

In Ivan Pavlov's experiment, the dogs were conditioned by pairing a neutral stimuli with a unconditioned stimuli to produce a conditioned response.

This could be demonstrated with a example:

A person was going in a car, and suddenly he met up with an accident. He does not get much injured, but had a very traumatic experience with it. Since then he developed a fear of travelling in a car and was using public transportations since then.

So from this example it could be observed that the person had learned a behaviour of avoiding travelling in a car due to his association with the car accident. The neutral stimuli (travelling in a car) is associated with the unconditioned stimuli (accident) that had made the neutral stimuli in to a conditioned stimuli (travelling in a car), that leads to a conditioned response (fear and avoidance)

When the association between the stimuli is strong, the behaviour is learnt quickly and is relatively permanent.


It states that people are inherently predisposed to make associations between stimuli and responses, due to which we have a general fear or avoidance towards objects or situations that could threaten our existence. This concept is used in understanding classical conditioning.

For example:

People have the general tendency to fear and avoid animals or poisonous reptiles, and also situations like, a earthquake or volcanic eruptions because they have associated these with danger and threats which may cause them harm.

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