
In: Operations Management

Complete the table below by providing one suitable management strategy for each organisational stage of change....

  1. Complete the table below by providing one suitable management strategy for each organisational stage of change.

Stage of change

Management strategy

Denial stage

Resistance stage

Acceptance stage

Commitment stage


Expert Solution

1. Denial Stage: It is the first stage in change management. in this stage, individual notices the change or noticed that change is being done, but don't agree with it or refuse for the change. there can be any reason behind it , may be due of fear or unwillingness to bear extra work , or the individual/employee don't want to leave his comfort zone.

Management strategy : proper information flow and effective participation can help to deal in this stage.

Proper information flow between the employees and information on the factors that require change and the results that going to be obtained. Manager should encourage the participation and discussion concerning the change and to ensure that all stakeholders start working as per the practices agreed and except the change.

2. Resistance Change: It is the second stage in change management and very critical . In this stage moral and competency ,productivity of  employees declines. In this stage, employee don't want the change to be carried out and try to carry out the old method only. or can say that, first employee agrees for the change but later don't want to carry out the change and thus rejecting it. These all results in delay in work and productivity and thus result in losses for the company.

Management strategy : Motivation and recognition among employees.

Proper and effective feedbacks from employees and understanding their concerns and try to solve it. Motivating employees to effectively carry out the change and thus recognizing their efforts and work and thus awarding them for the same.

3. Acceptance stage : This is the Third stage of change management . in this stage employees explore for more Responsibilities and ideas after geting unsuccessful in resistance change. in this stage employees explore many new ideas and alternatives for a problem and its best solution possible. But in this process of exploring new ideas and alternatives various alternatives were get explored and employee may get confused and they many think of extra burden or work is being imposed.

Management strategy : Effectively addressing the employees and stakeholders

Effectively addressing the employees means, proper training and guidance to be provided by the manger on the employees new explored idea or the alternative to solve a problem. supporting and encouraging them. Manager should help all the stakeholders in modifying the ideas is order to pursue the change.

4. Commitment stage : In this stage the productivity and morale and self esteem of the employee increases. In this stage the relationship among team members, employees and other stakeholders become more deep and trustworthy.

Management strategy : Continuous change implementation.

Manager should confirm that the change should be continuously followed by all the stakeholders and thus to be effectively monitored.

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