
In: Physics

A spherical shell has in inner radius Ri and an outer radius Ro. Within the shell,...

A spherical shell has in inner radius Ri and an outer radius Ro. Within the shell, a total charge Q is uniformly distributed.


a) the charge density within the shell (if you cannot get this answer, you can proceed without it).

b) the electric field strength E(r) outside the shell (r > Ro).

c) the electric field strength inside the shell (r< Ri).

d) the electric field within the shell (Ri < r < Ro)

e) show that your solutions match both inner and outer boundaries

f) Draw a graph E versus r.


Expert Solution

assume that :

Ri be the inner radius of the spherical shell.

R0 be the outer radius of the spherical shell.

(a) the charge density within the shell is given as ::

= Q / V

(b) the electric field strength E(r) outside the shell (r > Ro) which is given as ::

according to gauss law,

. dA = Qenclosed / 0

E A = Qenclosed / 0

where, A = area of the sphere = 4r2

E (r) = (Q / 40 r2)

(c) the electric field strength inside the shell (r < Ri) which is given as ::

there is no charge, so the electric field is zero.     E (r) = 0

(d) the electric field within the shell (Ri < r < Ro) which is given as :

the total volume of the sphere is difference between two spheres of radii, Ri and R0,

V = 4/3 (R03 - Ri3)       { eq. 1 }


= 3Q / 4(R03 - Ri3) { eq.2 }

Now, the gaussian surface encloses a volume which given as :

Venclosed = (4/3) (r3- Ri3)                               { eq. 3 }

and enclosed charge is given as, Qenclosed = Venclosed    { eq. 4 }

inserting the values in eq.4,

Qenclosed = 3Q / 4(R03 - Ri3) x (4/3) (r3- Ri3)

Qenclosed = Q [(r3- Ri3) / (R03 - Ri3)]                                     { eq.4 }

using a gauss law,   . dA = Qenclosed / 0

E A = Qenclosed / 0

where, A = area of the sphere = 4r2

(r) = Q / 40 r2 [(r3- Ri3) / (R03 - Ri3)]                                   (from eq. 4)

(e) the boundary conditions at both inner and outer radii which is given as :

when r = Ri which means that,

inserting the values in part-d eq.

(Ri) = Q / 40 Ri2 [(Ri3- Ri3) / (R03 - Ri3)]

(Ri) = 0

it's value match with part-c.

when r = R0 which means that,

again, using part-d eq :              (R0) = Q / 40 R02 [(R03- Ri3) / (R03 - Ri3)]

(R0) = (Q / 40 R02)

these two conditions matching above solutions.

(f) plot a graph between E vs. r which can be shown in below ::


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