
In: Psychology

child and adolescent prescription use for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. “Stimulant medications are over-prescribed to youth.” Write 300-500...

child and adolescent prescription use for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. “Stimulant medications are over-prescribed to youth.”
Write 300-500 words explaining your position.

1) Claim - a one to two sentence thesis outlining your stance.

2) Support - from an external source (i.e. not your textbook) defending your thesis. At least three discrete ideas or examples illustrating why prescription medication is overprescribed in youth with ADHD OR why it is an appropriate, responsibly prescribed treatment for ADHD.

3) Interpretation - 3-5 sentences drawing conclusions based on the support you provide. Use your example to persuade the reader that your position is correct.


Expert Solution

1. Nowadays, Stimulant medications are overprescribed to youths,children and growing adults for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder(ADHD). It has been found out that Ritalin, a stimulant medication for use for ADHD has been tripled in treating ADHD among youths,children and adolescents in the last 5 years. Other stimulants for treating ADHD has also increased many fold times.

2. Three ideas that say that ADHD medication is over prescribed in children and growing youth are as follows:

i.) The numbers say it. ADHD stimulants and medications have tripled in the last 5 years. Example., the ue of Ritalin has tripled in the last 5 years.

ii.) There is absolutely no necessity to treat all the children and adolecents with Attention Disorders with medication. Many children are very much absent minded and counselling, exercise and proper diet and meditation can cure the same instead of directly prescribing stimulants. As an example, I have seen many children improve dramatically after taking proper exercise and meditation classes with proper nutrition.

iii.) Nowadays youth and children undergo seveve stress and depression from heavy competition, pressures from studies etc due to which they are unable to pay attention. So non stimulants like anti depressants medicines can relieve them for stress and anxiety. Their blood pressure should be monitored and in case they have high blood pressure, then necessary medication should be given. Theree is no need to prescribe ADHD stimulants. For lazy and inattentive students, 3 cups of coffee can increase their focus and concentration.

3. Am just seeing a trend where Psychiatrists are just over prescribing medicines to youngsters with attention issues. With counselling, proper diet, nutrition, exercise and meditation these problems can be easily cured. I personally know several of my friends who had such issues, improve dramatically after joining a meditation class. In case the problem still persists after exercise, diet and meditation, then their Blood pressure and anxiety levels shoud be assesed and blood pressure medicines and anti depressants will do the trick. Even its found that 3 cups of strong coffee a day can dramatically improve concentration in growing children and unless the condition is extremely severe, ADHD stimulants should never be given. It is not good for their health and they might get habituated to such medicines in their future.

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