
In: Operations Management

Develop research questions for your Project Product/Service. Your questions must consist of the following: 1. A...

Develop research questions for your Project Product/Service. Your questions must consist of the following:
1. A minimum of two open-ended questions
2. A minimum of two dichotomous questions (yes or no)
3. A minimum of three multiple-choice questions
4. A minimum of one semantic differential scale question with multiple parts (e.g., boring vs. interesting, happy vs. sad, XXX vs. non-XXX, etc.)
5. A minimum of two Likert scale questions (e.g., strongly agree to strongly disagree)
6. A minimum of one usage behavior question
7. A minimum of five additional questions of any type (other than demographic questions) that will provide you with relevant data for your product or service
8. Numerous demographic questions (i.e., what demographic information would be important for you to capture for your product or service?)


Expert Solution

Questions for purchase of Organic products

1. What is your Gender?

a. Male b. Female

2. What is your age group?

a. Less than 20 b. 20 to 25 c. 25 to 30 d. 30 to 35 e. 35-40 f. More than 40

3. What is your level of education?

a. Graduate b. Post Graduate c. Higher Degree d. Other (please specify)

4. What is your residential location?

a. Urban b. Rural

5. What is your occupation?

a. Student b. Self-employed c. Private employee d. Public employee e. Others (please specify)

6. Please state your approximate monthly income

two dichotomous questions (yes or no)

7. Are you aware of Organic products?

a. Yes b. No

8. Have you purchased organic products?

a. Yes b. No

three multiple-choice questions

9. What is your source of awareness about organic products?

a. Friends and relatives b. Print media c. Television d. Sales personnel e. Banners and hoardings f. Other (please specify)

10. Where do you purchase organic products?

a. Local stores b. Online sites c. Retail stores d. Shopping malls e. Other (please specify)

11. What attracts you towards organic products?

a. Taste b. Safety c. Availability d. Price e. Others (please specify)

One semantic differential scale question

12. State your level of satisfaction with use of organic products.

a. Very highly satisfied b. Highly satisfied c. Somewhat satisfied d. Neutral e. Somewhat dissatisfied f. highly dissatisfied g. Very highly dissatisfied

Two Likert scale questions

13. Organic products contribute in environmental conservation.

a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neither agree nor disagree d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree

14. Organic products are safer and healthier than non-organic products.

a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neither agree nor disagree d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree

one usage behavior question

15. Will you purchase organic products if it is priced too high.

a. Yes always b. Yes, but not beyond certain price c. No, never

five additional questions of any type

16. Organic products are priced high than non-organic products

a. Yes b. No

17. Government should start initiatives to promote organic products

a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neither agree nor disagree d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree

18. Organic products are purchased by educated and rich people only.

a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neither agree nor disagree d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree

19. Organic products can be replaced by other products in maintaining environmental sustainability

a. Yes b. No

20. Which category of products you prefer to purchase only organic

a. Processed foods b. Semi-processed foods c. Raw fruits and vegetables d. Ready to eat foods e. Others (please specify)

two open-ended questions

21. Please recall major brands in organic products .........................................

22. Do you have any suggestions for organic products.........................................................

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