
In: Computer Science

Invalid entry code in python my code is pasted below. The last elif statement, I'm trying...

Invalid entry code in python

my code is pasted below. The last elif statement, I'm trying to get the program to print "invalid entry" if the entry for user_input is invalid. The first user prompt should only allow for numbers 1-10 and "exit" and "quit"

import math
user_prompt = """Enter number of operation that you want to execute <type exit or quit to end program>:
1 sin(x)
2 cos(x)
3 tan(x)
4 asin(x)
5 acos(x)
6 atan(x)
7 ln(x)
8 sqrt(x)
9 factorial(x)
10 history
Select-> """ #prompting user

results = []
valid_response = ['1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, quit, exit']

while True:
user_input = input(user_prompt)
print(f'User input is {user_input}')
if user_input.lower() == 'quit' or user_input == 'exit':
break #terimates the program due to quit or exit response
elif user_input == '10': # displaying the history
for i in results:

user_num_text = input("\nEnter the argument for operation -> ")
user_number = float(mcs_num_text)
if user_input == '1':
result = math.sin(math.radians(user_number))
temp = f'sin({user_number}) = {result}' #sin
elif user_input == '2':
result = math.cos(math.radians(user_number))
temp = f'cos({user_number}) = {result}' #cos
elif user_input == '3':
result = math.tan(math.radians(user_number))
temp = f'tan({user_number}) = {result}' #tan
elif user_input == '4':
result = math.asin(math.radians(user_number))
temp = f'asin({user_number}) = {result}' #asin
elif user_input == '5':
result = math.acos(math.radians(user_number))
temp = f'acos({user_number}) = {result}' #acos
elif user_input == '6':
result = math.atan(math.radians(user_number))
temp = f'atan({user_number}) = {result}' #atan
elif user_input == '7':
result = math.log(float(user_number))
temp = f'ln({user_number}) = {result}' #ln
elif user_input == '8':
result = math.sqrt(float(user_number))
temp = f'sqrt({user_number}) = {result}' #sqrt
elif user_input == '9':
result = math.factorial(int(user_number))
temp = f'factorial({user_number}) = {result}' #factorial
elif user_input is not valid_response:
temp = 'Invalid entry.'



Expert Solution

The problem is with user_input us not valid_response statement. is not should be replaced with <not in>. Here is the modified code:

import math
user_prompt = """Enter number of operation that you want to execute <type exit or quit to end program>:
1 sin(x)
2 cos(x)
3 tan(x)
4 asin(x)
5 acos(x)
6 atan(x)
7 ln(x)
8 sqrt(x)
9 factorial(x)
10 history
Select-> """ 

results = []
valid_response = ['1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, quit, exit']

while True:
    user_input = input(user_prompt)
    print(f'User input is {user_input}')
    if user_input.lower() == 'quit' or user_input == 'exit':
    elif user_input == '10': # displaying the history
        for i in results:
    if user_input in ['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9']:
        user_num_text = input("\nEnter the argument for operation -> ")
        user_number = float(user_num_text)
        if user_input == '1':
            result = math.sin(math.radians(user_number))
            temp = f'sin({user_number}) = {result}' #sin
        elif user_input == '2':
            result = math.cos(math.radians(user_number))
            temp = f'cos({user_number}) = {result}' #cos
        elif user_input == '3':
            result = math.tan(math.radians(user_number))
            temp = f'tan({user_number}) = {result}' #tan
        elif user_input == '4':
            result = math.asin(math.radians(user_number))
            temp = f'asin({user_number}) = {result}' #asin
        elif user_input == '5':
            result = math.acos(math.radians(user_number))
            temp = f'acos({user_number}) = {result}' #acos
        elif user_input == '6':
            result = math.atan(math.radians(user_number))
            temp = f'atan({user_number}) = {result}' #atan
        elif user_input == '7':
            result = math.log(float(user_number))
            temp = f'ln({user_number}) = {result}' #ln
        elif user_input == '8':
            result = math.sqrt(float(user_number))
            temp = f'sqrt({user_number}) = {result}' #sqrt
        elif user_input == '9':
            result = math.factorial(int(user_number))
            temp = f'factorial({user_number}) = {result}' #factorial
    elif user_input is not valid_response:
        temp = 'Invalid entry.'

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