
In: Computer Science

I'm trying to get my code to loop back to let the user input multiple patients....

I'm trying to get my code to loop back to let the user input multiple patients.

import java.util.Scanner;

public class XYZ {

   public static void main(String[] args) {   
       String response;

           //import scanner for input
           Scanner input = new Scanner(;   
           //prompt user input for last name
           System.out.print("Enter last name ");
           //output for last name
           String s1 = input.nextLine();
           //prompt user input for first name
           System.out.print("Enter first name ");
           //output for first name
           String s2 = input.nextLine();
           //prompt user for street address
           System.out.print("Enter street address ");
           //output for street address
           String address = input.nextLine();
           //prompt user for city
           System.out.print("Enter city ");
           //output for city
           String city = input.nextLine();
           //prompt user for state
           System.out.print("Enter state ");
           //output for state
           String state = input.nextLine();
           //prompt user for zipcode
           System.out.print("Enter zip code ");
           //output for zip code
           String zip = input.nextLine();
           //prompt user for owed amount
           System.out.print("Enter amount owed ");
           //output for amount owed
           String amount = input.nextLine();
           //prompt user for payment amount
           System.out.print("Enter payment amount ");
           //output for payment amount
           String payment = input.nextLine();
           //prompt user for payment date
           System.out.print("Enter payment date ");
           //output for payment date
           String date = input.nextLine();


       //final print out output title
       System.out.printf("%80s\n", "XYZ Community Hospital");
       //final print out spacing
       System.out.printf(String.format("%150s\n", "").replace(' ', '='));
       //final print out titles and spacing
       System.out.printf("%10s%30s%80s\n", "Name", "Address", "Payment Information");
       //final print out titles and spacing
       System.out.printf("%-8s %-12s %-30s %-15s %-5s %-10s %-15s %-15s %-15s \n", "Last", "First", "Address Line 1", "City", "State", "Zip", "Amount Owed",

               "Payment Amt.", "Payment Date");

       System.out.printf(String.format("%150s\n", "").replace(' ', '='));
       //final output print out
       System.out.printf("%-8s %-12s %-30s %-15s %-5s %-10s %-15s %-15s %-15s \n", s1, s2, address, city, state, zip, amount, payment, date);

       //ask user for next entry
       System.out.println("Would you like to make another entry?[Y/N]");
       response = input.nextLine();
   while (response==("Y")); }



Expert Solution

Note: Could you plz go through this code and let me know if u need any changes in this.Thank You


import java.util.Scanner;

public class XYZ {

   public static void main(String[] args) {   
   String response;
   Scanner input=null;
   //import scanner for input
   input = new Scanner(;   
   //prompt user input for last name
   System.out.print("Enter last name ");
   //output for last name
   String s1 = input.nextLine();
   //prompt user input for first name
   System.out.print("Enter first name ");
   //output for first name
   String s2 = input.nextLine();
   //prompt user for street address
   System.out.print("Enter street address ");
   //output for street address
   String address = input.nextLine();
   //prompt user for city
   System.out.print("Enter city ");
   //output for city
   String city = input.nextLine();
   //prompt user for state
   System.out.print("Enter state ");
   //output for state
   String state = input.nextLine();
   //prompt user for zipcode
   System.out.print("Enter zip code ");
   //output for zip code
   String zip = input.nextLine();
   //prompt user for owed amount
   System.out.print("Enter amount owed ");
   //output for amount owed
   String amount = input.nextLine();
   //prompt user for payment amount
   System.out.print("Enter payment amount ");
   //output for payment amount
   String payment = input.nextLine();
   //prompt user for payment date
   System.out.print("Enter payment date ");
   //output for payment date
   String date = input.nextLine();


   //final print out output title
   System.out.printf("%80s\n", "XYZ Community Hospital");
   //final print out spacing
   System.out.printf(String.format("%150s\n", "").replace(' ', '='));
   //final print out titles and spacing
   System.out.printf("%10s%30s%80s\n", "Name", "Address", "Payment Information");
   //final print out titles and spacing
   System.out.printf("%-8s %-12s %-30s %-15s %-5s %-10s %-15s %-15s %-15s \n", "Last", "First", "Address Line 1", "City", "State", "Zip", "Amount Owed",

   "Payment Amt.", "Payment Date");

   System.out.printf(String.format("%150s\n", "").replace(' ', '='));
   //final output print out
   System.out.printf("%-8s %-12s %-30s %-15s %-5s %-10s %-15s %-15s %-15s \n", s1, s2, address, city, state, zip, amount, payment, date);

   //ask user for next entry
   System.out.println("Would you like to make another entry?[Y/N]");
   response = input.nextLine();
   while (response.equalsIgnoreCase("Y"));



Enter last name Faulkner
Enter first name James
Enter street address 101 Church Street
Enter city Banglore
Enter state Karnataka
Enter zip code 560068
Enter amount owed 5000
Enter payment amount 45000
Enter payment date 12/12/2019
XYZ Community Hospital
Name Address Payment Information
Last First Address Line 1 City State Zip Amount Owed Payment Amt. Payment Date
Faulkner James 101 Church Street Banglore Karnataka 560068 5000 45000 12/12/2019
Would you like to make another entry?[Y/N]
Enter last name Roy
Enter first name Rahul
Enter street address 2nd Lake View Street
Enter city Banglore
Enter state Karnataka
Enter zip code 560037
Enter amount owed 2300
Enter payment amount 17000
Enter payment date 12/11/2019
XYZ Community Hospital
Name Address Payment Information
Last First Address Line 1 City State Zip Amount Owed Payment Amt. Payment Date
Roy Rahul 2nd Lake View Street Banglore Karnataka 560037 2300 17000 12/11/2019
Would you like to make another entry?[Y/N]


Mistakes You have done :

1) You close the scanner inside the loop.

2) We cant compare the two Strings objects using double equal (==) method.Since response variable is of type string we have to use equals() method or equalsIgnoreCase() method

_______________Could you plz rate me well.Thank You

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