
In: Computer Science

Implement the following function in the PyDev module and test it from a PyDev module...

Implement the following function in the PyDev module and test it from a PyDev module named :

def statistics(n):
    Asks a user to enter n values, then calculates and returns
    the minimum, maximum, total, and average of those values.
    Use: minimum, maximum, total, average = statistics(n)
        n - number of values to process (int > 0)
        minimum - smallest of n values (float)
        maximum - largest of n values (float)
        total - total of n values (float)
        average - average of n values (float)

Sample testing:

Enter number of values: 5
First value: 1
Next value: 2
Next value: -3.4
Next value: 4
Next value: 5.3

Minimum: -3.40
Maximum: 5.30
Total: 8.90
Average: 1.78


Expert Solution

def statistics(n):              #  function definition starts
    numbers = []                #   created a list to store numbers
    for i in range (n):
        numbers.append(float(input("Enter the number: ")))        # append values to list
    i = 0
    maximum = numbers[0]           #  initialized minimum to 1st value in the list
    minimum = numbers[0]            #  initialized maximum to 1st value in the list
    total = 0                      #  to calculate sum
    for i in range(n):
        if (numbers[i]>maximum):
            maximum = numbers[i]
        if (numbers[i]<minimum):
            minimum = numbers[i]
        total += numbers[i]                                    #   sum calculated
    print("Sum of numbers is {}.".format(total))    
    print("Average of the numbers is {}.".format(total/n))     #  total/n = average
    print("Minimum value is {}".format(minimum))
    print("Maximum value is {}".format(maximum))

number_of_inputs = int(input("Enter the number of values you want to enter: "))  #  taking input
statistics(number_of_inputs)                    #   calling function


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