
In: Computer Science

use eclipse Develop the classes for the following requirements: 1. A class named Employee (general, for...

use eclipse

Develop the classes for the following requirements:

1. A class named Employee (general, for college)

2. A class named Instructor (more specific, for college)

3. A class named Staff (more specific, for college, HR officer, Marking staff)


1. Figure out the relationships among the classes;

2. Determine the abstract class, and the child classes;

3. For the abstract class, determine at least one abstract method;

4. Each class should at least two data members and one extra method;

5. Full implementation of all constructors, getters/setters and toString, and other methods;

6. Test your Java code and take screen shots


Expert Solution

Here are the relationship details:

Employee Class will be abstract class with following members and abstract methods:

package university;

public abstract class Employee {
        int employeeId;
        String firstName;
        String lastName;
        int age;
        abstract String getFirstName();
        abstract String getLastName();
        abstract int getEmployeeId();
        abstract int getAge();
        abstract void setEmployeeId(int employeeId);
        abstract void setFirstName(String firstName) ;
        abstract void setLastName(String lastName) ;
        abstract  void setAge(int age);

Staff Class will extend Employee Class and have following members and methods:

package university;

public class Staff extends Employee{

        int staffId;
        String staffType;
        String department;

        public Staff(){}
        public Staff(int employeeId,
                        String firstName,
                        String lastName,
                        int age,String departmen, int staffId,String staffType){

        String getFirstName() {
                return firstName;

        String getLastName() {
                return lastName;

        int getEmployeeId() {
                return employeeId;

        int getAge() {
                return age;

        void setEmployeeId(int employeeId) {


        void setFirstName(String firstName) {


        void setLastName(String lastName) {

        void setAge(int age) {
        public int getStaffId() {
                return staffId;

        public void setStaffId(int staffId) {
                this.staffId = staffId;

        public String getStaffType() {
                return staffType;

        public void setStaffType(String staffType) {
                this.staffType = staffType;

        public String getDepartment() {
                return department;

        public void setDepartment(String department) {
                this.department = department;
        public String toString(){
                return "Staff Details:"
                                + "\nFirst Name:"+firstName+
                                "\nLast Name:"+lastName+
                                "\nEmployee ID:"+employeeId+
                                "\nStaff ID:"+staffId+
                                "\nStaff Type:"+staffType+

Instructor class will extent Employee Class and have following members and methods:

package university;

public class Instructor extends Employee{

        //To which department does instructor belongs
        String department;
        //Instructor Id(different from employee id)

        int instructorId;
        String instrcutorType;


        public Instructor(){


        public Instructor(int employeeId,
                        String firstName,
                        String lastName,
                        int age,String departmen, int instructorId){


        public String getDepartment() {
                return department;

        public void setDepartment(String department) {
                this.department = department;

        public int getIntstructorId() {
                return instructorId;

        public void setIntstructorId(int instructorId) {
                this.instructorId = instructorId;

        String getFirstName() {
                return firstName;

        String getLastName() {
                return lastName;

        int getEmployeeId() {
                return employeeId;

        int getAge() {
                return age;

        void setEmployeeId(int employeeId) {


        void setFirstName(String firstName) {


        void setLastName(String lastName) {

        void setAge(int age) {
        public int getInstructorId() {
                return instructorId;

        public void setInstructorId(int instructorId) {
                this.instructorId = instructorId;

        public String getInstrcutorType() {
                return instrcutorType;

        public void setInstrcutorType(String instrcutorType) {
                this.instrcutorType = instrcutorType;

        public String toString(){
                return "Instructor Details:\n"
                                + "First Name:"+firstName+
                                "\nLast Name:"+lastName+
                                "\nEmployee ID:"+employeeId+
                                "\nInstructor ID:"+instructorId+
                                "\nInstructor Type:"+instrcutorType;

MainClass to test the code:

package university;

public class MainClass {

        public static void main(String[] args) {
                Staff staff=new Staff();
                Staff staff2=new Staff();
                Instructor instructor=new Instructor();
                Instructor instructor2=new Instructor();
                staff.setStaffType("HR officer");
                staff2.setStaffType(" Marking staff");
                instructor.setInstrcutorType("Physics Lecturer");
                instructor2.setInstrcutorType("Physics Lab Instructor");



Staff Details:
First Name:John
Last Name:Carpenter
Employee ID:123
Staff ID:1
Staff Type:HR officer

Staff Details:
First Name:William
Last Name:Doffe
Employee ID:124
Staff ID:2
Staff Type: Marking staff

Instructor Details:
First Name:John
Last Name:Carpenter
Employee ID:125
Instructor ID:9
Instructor Type:Physics Lecturer

Instructor Details:
First Name:Steve
Last Name:Smith
Employee ID:126
Instructor ID:10
Instructor Type:Physics Lab Instructor

Screenshot of output:

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