
In: Economics

2pages essay of argument on any website

2pages essay of argument on any website


Expert Solution

Websites can be the work of an individual, a business or other organization, and are typically dedicated to a particular topic or purpose.  

People are connected and interact with each other from their phones and laptops wherever the person is. The approach and process of business have changed. Anyone can start their own business on whatever investment they have.

The very first website on the internet went live on August 6, 1991. On average, a person spends 12 percent of their entire life on the internet. There is high-speed internet access the entire way up Mount Everest.

Pros of Websites

1. Unlimited Information

There are millions and millions of websites committed to different topics that we couldn’t even think about. There are many issues solving, confusion erasing, IQ enhancing information which you can acquire just by typing the keyword and the result is displayed in just a second.

The concept which says knowing things is better is not only applied but also implemented through websites. For example, how to prepare a birthday cake at home is shown with video and a full step by step procedure on youtube. You can solve your children’s homework with online learning app or contacting teachers on school’s websites.

2. Bridging The Culture Gap

There are billions of people around the world, 200+ countries, each country having a population with different lifestyles, cultures, food, and entertainment according to their landscape and ancient history.

3. Communication

The main advantage of a website is faster communication through any device and faster than any device. It has brought the world into the palm of the hand, big monuments in our small rooms and far away members close to our eyes that also just in a second.

4. Follow Your Passion

There was a time when doctors and engineering used to only be the two professions and business used to be done by the rich people only. Now website did not only changed the concept of work, but it also helps people understand and know that there are many other fields and each field has its own scope.

5. Job Opportunities

It encourages freelancing works where people can work from home as well as apply for jobs online which saves them time. They can apply for many jobs online when a vacancy is announced with the post they want to apply for and go for interviews rather than going to the office by the office and asking if any vacancy is available.

More entrepreneurs can now open home-based businesses which can save them money because of reduced expenses like rent and gasoline.

6. Banking Services

Businesses in each and every vertical need to have their own website which itself shows its importance. Banks also want their customers or employees all over the country to be connected, having their own website where customers can go check their account information, day to day activities of bank and new schemes, which will improve the customer-bank relationship.

7. Marketing

The marketing sector is in the new height and in the high mainly benefited by websites. Here the start-up business and the existing ones both are treated equally, they reach out to their clients and offer their products and services, the convincing one wins the race.

8. Payment & Withdrawal Of Money

We don’t feel confident carrying money while going for shopping or breaking some big deals. But now you don’t even need to worry about carrying money.

You can simply go to the website of your bank where you have the money and transfer the money to the desired account. While doing the shopping you can swipe your cards and pay your bills, which is safer and faster. The website made it possible by providing a digital account with digital funds.

9. Endless Entertainment

The entertainment industry is widely growing and gaining popularity because of websites. Movies, songs, videos, games, etc are available on the website for free. You can upload the songs movies and even earn through the platform such as YouTube.

Cons of Websites

1. Risks Privacy

The personal information that you share on websites is completely traceable. This may be used for crime prevention or gaining market data but your personal privacy is at stake. The real-time photos that your share when you are on vacation shows you are not at home, details about your assets may attract people with negative intentions.

2. Encourages Illegal Activity

Along with the advantages and opportunities created unintended consequences of websites are illegal and dangerous activities. The information accessed has given opportunities for terrorist attacks, kidnapping and many other types of data crimes.

3. Dependence & Less Productivity

In an era when all the business activities and transactions are being done by website, what happens it’s your website is down or hacked or crashes. Now you are invisible in the market and your existence is omitted. Without any written data or bills it’s impossible to track down your past activities and transactions made, your company can easily be shattered.

4. Increase Expenses

To benefit from this technology, business and corporation need to invest in heavy and new computer systems, internet connection and web hosting. Here day by day technology is growing and bringing new innovation and system.

Side by side updating the system they need to train the personnel to automate their system. The increase in the expenses of the company arises in the increment of the product. This results in expensive products and markets.

5. Children Are Vulnerable and Exposed

The true age cannot be verified on the internet, children can be easily faked by the id which may risk their lives as they are unable to verify the content and get excited soon.

6. Online Addiction

Excessive use of online materials and habit of continuously watching the series playing games and movies hampers the health of the person. A nervous disorder causing excessive uneasiness and apprehension and even develop panic attacks.

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