
In: Math

solve the problem make sure to explain in words what you did with the problem and...

solve the problem make sure to explain in words what you did with the problem and state your conclusions in terms of the problem.

Part I: Choose to do one of the following: 1) Test the claim that the mean Unit 3 Test scores of data set 7176 is greater than the mean Unit 3 Test scores of data set 7178 at the .05 significance level

Class 7176 Class 7178
Unit Test 3 Course Grade Attendance Unit Test 3 Course Grade Attendance
238 63 96 291 95 100
208 55 48 301 91 83
258 89 96 261 68 87
264 84 96 0 53 91
324 98 100 0 23 44
0 62 44 284 93 96
0 56 66 307 77 78
274 87 96 0 44 70
274 83 96 208 72 57
0 0 18 0 56 78
179 71 100 0 73 91
268 86 100 0 28 39
241 60 87 231 64 91
0 8 26 307 87 100
278 84 96 301 87 96
307 89 87 228 52 74
294 87 100 255 73 70
175 76 74 304 85 83
129 66 87 0 37 44
284 82 100 0 60 48
297 90 79 0 25 35
255 74 74 0 37 48
268 88 100 0 67 100
215 77 39 301 94 87
146 71 87 284 71 57
304 88 100 321 87 100
311 91 96
274 83 96
307 97 100
278 92 91
0 52 91


Expert Solution

let us describe the problem as a testing of hypothesis problem where our null hypothesis is the means of the two samples are equal

H0: mA=mB ( mA mean of unit data of class 7176 & mB is the mean of unit data of class 7178)

and the alternative hypothesis is  

Ha: mA>mB (greater)

we can perform the test by two sample t test with unequal sample sizes

the test statistics is

here nA = sample size of first sample and nB = sample size of second sample


is the pooled variance of the two samples

R has a nice function to do such tests

R- Code:-

t.test(x = r$Unit.Test.31,y=r$Unit.Test.32, alternative = "greater",var.equal = F) # Unit.Test.31= unit data for class 7176 similarly Unit.Test.32 is for class 7178


Welch Two Sample t-test

data: r$Unit.Test.31 and r$Unit.Test.32

t = 1.1682, df = 54.093, p-value = 0.1239

alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is greater than 0

95 percent confidence interval:
-16.46524 Inf
sample estimates:

mean of x mean of y
210.7692 172.7097


Here P-value of the test is comparatively large than 0.05 which implies the mean of 1st sample is not greater than the mean of 2nd sample.

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