
In: Biology

Are the following interchangeable? glycolipid vs glycerolipid sphingoglycolipid vs glycosphingolipid sphingophospholipid vs phosphosphingolipid triacylglycerol vs triglyceride...

Are the following interchangeable?

glycolipid vs glycerolipid

sphingoglycolipid vs glycosphingolipid

sphingophospholipid vs phosphosphingolipid

triacylglycerol vs triglyceride vs triacylglyceride vs triglycerol

Are the terms the same?


Expert Solution


Glycolioids and glycerolipids are different.

all terms are not used interchangeabaly.all terms are not same.

Glycerolipids are composed of mono-, di-, and tri-substituted glycerols, the best-known being the fatty acid triesters of glycerol, called triglycerides.

glycolipid consists of a mono- or oligosaccharide group attached to a sphingolipid or a glycerol group (can be acetylated or alkylated) with one or two fatty acids

“phosphosphingolipids” it a group of sphingolipids with a phosphorylated hydroxyl group at C-1 of a sphingoid base.

(Sphingophospholipid) The sphingomyelins contain amino alcohol, sphingosine (synthesized from serine and palmitic acid) rather than glycerol.

Glycosphingolipids are a subtype of glycolipids containing the amino alcohol sphingosine. Which also known as Sphingoglycolipids.

A triglyceride/ triacylglycerol / triacylglyceride is an ester derived from glycerol and three fatty acids (from tri- and glyceride)

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