
In: Statistics and Probability

For the whole city of Columbus, here are the numbers of monthly heroin overdose EMT calls...

For the whole city of Columbus, here are the numbers of monthly heroin overdose EMT calls in 2017:

136, 189, 302, 250, 237, 230, 182, 223, 201, 151, 161, 136

(a) The mean of this data is ______.

(b) The standard deviation is ______.

(c) The median of the data is ______.

(d) The Interquartile range, IQR is ______.


Expert Solution

We have given data in increasing order is,
Sample size 12
(a) The mean of this data is 199.83
Mean =Sum of all observations /Number of observation
(b) The standard deviation is =50.688

(c) The median of the data is =195


=6.5th observation

6.5th observation lies between 6th and 7th observation

6th observation=189

7th observation=201

Median =Q2 = 189+0.5(201-189)

(d) The Interquartile range, IQR is 81.75


=3.25th observation

3.25th observation lies between 3rd and 4th observation

3 rd observation = 151

4th observation = 161

Q1 = 151 + 0.25(161-151)



=9.75th observation

9.75th observation lies between 9th and 10th observation.

9th observation =230

10th observation =237


Q3 = 230 + 0.75(237-230)


Interquartile range = Q3-Q1 = 235.25-153.5=81.75


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