
In: Computer Science

Problem statement: You are tasked with writing a simple program that will keep track of items...

Problem statement:

You are tasked with writing a simple program that will keep track of items sold by a retail store. We need to keep track of the stock (or number of specific products available for sale).


  • The Food and Book items should inherit all the properties of the Product item in the previous assignment.

  • Foods cannot be added to the inventory without an expiration date.

  • Implement a toString method for Product, Food, and Book.

Grading details:

  • Correct usage of OOP concepts (80%)

    • Correct class design and usage of class instances (25%)

    • Correct implementation and usage of inheritance(25%)

    • Other supporting code/logic (30%)

  • Program runs/correct results (10%)

  • Formatting/Indentation (10%)

Starter code:

public class RetailInventory {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Product computer = new Product("Computer", 1400);
        Product iPhone = new Product("iPhone XR", 400, 600);
        Product Galaxy10 = new Product("Samsung Galaxy S10", 700, 900, "Phone with 128GB memory.");

        Product book = new Book("Starting out with C++", 150.00);

        Product apple = new Food("Fuji Apples", 3.50, "Dec. 1, 2019");

        Product[] inventory = {computer, iPhone, Galaxy10, book, apple};

        System.out.println("Viewing Store Products:");
        for (Product item: inventory) {

Sample output:

Viewing Store Products:

name: Computer, description: No description entered., wholesalePrice: $1400.00, retailPrice: $1540.00

name: iPhone XR, description: No description entered., wholesalePrice: $400.00, retailPrice: $440.00

name: Samsung Galaxy S10, description: Phone with 128GB memory., wholesalePrice: $700.00, retailPrice: $770.00

name: Starting out with C++, description: No description entered., wholesalePrice: $150.00, retailPrice: $165.00, author: Author_Placeholder

name: Fuji Apples, description: No description entered., wholesalePrice: $3.50, retailPrice: $3.85, expiration: Dec. 1, 2019


Expert Solution

Given problem will have below 4 files as solution where each class has its own file (for a better understanding and encapsulation)

PROGRAM: There are below files in solution:

i. Same as shared in problem, no change in it

ii. parent class for products

iii. Subclass for Product type food.

iv. subclass for product type book.

public class Product {

                private String name;

                private String description;

                private double wholeSalePrice;

                private double retailPrice;

                public Product() {//default constructor



                public Product(String name, double wholeSalePrice) {//constructor with name and price

                       = name;//set the instance variables as per the value passed

                                this.wholeSalePrice= wholeSalePrice;


                public Product(String name, double       wholeSalePrice, double retailPrice) {//constructor with name and price

                       = name;//set the instance variables as per the value passed

                                this.wholeSalePrice= wholeSalePrice;



                public Product(String name, double       wholeSalePrice, double retailPrice, String description) {//constructor with name and price

                       = name;//set the instance variables as per the value passed

                                this.wholeSalePrice= wholeSalePrice;





                private double getRetailPrice() {//this method will return the retailPrice as per the sample outpu


                                retailPrice= wholeSalePrice+(wholeSalePrice*.10);//output shows that retailPrice is 10% addition to wholesaleprice

                                return retailPrice;



                public String toString() {//print object details

                                if(description==null) {//if description is null, then print a message for description

                                                return "\nname: "+name+" , description: No description entererd., wholesalePrice: $"+wholeSalePrice+", retailPrice $"+getRetailPrice();


                                else {//otherwise print description value

                                return "\nname: "+name+" , description: "+description+", wholesalePrice: $"+wholeSalePrice+", retailPrice $"+getRetailPrice();

                                }//end else

                }//end toString                

}//end class

SCRENSHOT for indentation:

public class Book extends Product {


                private String author;


                public Book(String name, double wholeSalePrice) {// constructor gets name , price

                                super(name, wholeSalePrice);//pass the name and price to the super class product



                public String toString() {

                                return super.toString()+", Author: "+author;//super will return the product details and author is added here

                }//end toString

}//end class

SCREENSHOT for indentation:

public class Food extends Product {

                private String date;

                public Food(String name, double wholeSalePrice, String date) { // constructor gets name , price and date

                                super(name, wholeSalePrice);//pass name and wholesale price to super class

                       = date;//set date for local class instance variable date


                public String toString() {//return the food details

                                return super.toString()+", expiration: "+date;//super will return the product details and expiration is added here



SCREENSHOT for indentation


Kindly comment, if you face issue in understanding code flow.

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