
In: Computer Science

You are going to create a console based program to keep track of a small business...

You are going to create a console based program to keep track of a small business that sells Doodads.

First you will need to create a class Doodad that keeps track of two integers and two Strings.

Next, create a constructor for the Doodad.

Next, add getters and setters for each of the fields (two integers and two Strings).

You need to use (see the starter code)

Inside your main method ask the user to read in the two integers and two Strings. Create a Doodad object and add it to an array of 100 Doodad objects. Allow the user to keep entering in Doodad objects until the user wishes to quit.

Once the user is done entering Doodad objects, show the information about the Doodads they entered.

You will show the first number, followed by a space, followed by the first word.


Expert Solution

Answer: Hey dear student finds the solution of your query, if you have any doubt feel free to ask. Thanks!!

C++ Code: this code had Doodad class has two integer type data members ,two String type data members. Class has a parametrized constructor. In Main, read values for integers and strings and create array of object Doodad class and passing the values to set data members of the class , ask from user if he wants to exit from input and print all entered values.

Any query asks in the comment box.

import java.util.*;
class Doodad//Doodad class
   int a;//members of the class
   int b;
   String str1;
   String str2;
   //constructor of the class with parameters
   public Doodad(int x,String s1,int y,String s2)
       a = x;//initialization of members
       b = y;
       str1 = s1;
       str2 = s2;
   public void setInt1(int x)//setter to set data member of the class
       a = x;
   public void setInt2(int y)//setter to set data member of the class
       b = y;
   public void setStr1(String str)//setter to set data member of the class
       str1 = str;
   public void setStr2(String strr)//setter to set data member of the class
       str2 = strr;
   //getters to get value of data members
   public int getInt1()
       return a;
   public int getInt2()
       return b;
   public String getStr1()
       return str1;
   public String getStr2()
       return str2;
//Main class
class Main
   public static void main(String args[])//Main method
       int a1 = 0,b1,c=0,ans =1;
       String st1,st2;//needed variables
       Scanner in = new Scanner(;//Scanner object
       Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
       Doodad []dd = new Doodad[100];//create object of the class
   //input statements to take integers and strings
       System.out.println("Enter an integer: ");
           a1 = in.nextInt();
           System.out.println("Enter an integer: ");
           b1 = in.nextInt();
           System.out.println("Enter a string: ");
           st1 = sc.nextLine();
           System.out.println("Enter a string: ");
           st2 = sc.nextLine();
           //call constructors with passing parameters
           dd[c] = new Doodad(a1,st1,b1,st2);
           c =c+1;
           System.out.println("Enter -1 to exit");
           ans = in.nextInt();//sentinel value ask
       for(int i = 0;i<c;i++)//loop to print information that user has entered
           System.out.print(dd[i].getInt1()+" ");//call all getters
           System.out.print(dd[i].getStr1()+" ");
           System.out.print(dd[i].getInt2()+" ");
           System.out.println(dd[i].getStr2()+" ");

Screenshots of the output:

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