
In: Math

4) A magazine reported the results of a survey in which readers were asked to send...

4) A magazine reported the results of a survey in which readers were asked to send their responses to several questions regarding good eating. DataSet for question 4,5,6 is the reported results to the question, How often do you eat chocolate? Based on the data answer the following questions.

a) Were the responses to this survey obtained using voluntary sampling technique? Explain

b) What type of bias may be present in the response?

c) is 13% a reasonable estimate of the proportion of all Americans who eat chocolate frequently? Explain.

5) A magazine reported the results of a survey in which readers were asked to send in their responses to several questions regarding anger. DataSet2 for Question 5 shows the reported results to the question, How long do you usually stay angry? Answer the following questions based on the data.

a) Were the responses to this survey obtained using voluntary sampling technique?

b) What type of bias may be present in the response?

c) Is 22% a reasonable estimate of the proportion of all Americans who hold a grudge indefinitely? Explain.

6) Students in marketing class have been asked to conduct a survey to determine whether or not there is demand for an insurance program at a local college. The Students decided to randomly select students from the local college and mail them a questionnare regarding the insurance program. Of the 150 questionnaire that were mailed, 50 students responded to the following survey item: Pick the Category which best describes your interest in an insurance program. DataSet2 for question 6 shows the responses. Use this data to answer the following question.

a)What type of bias may be present in the response?

b) is 50% a reasonable estimate of the proportion of all students who would be very interested in an insurance program at a local college? Explain.

c) is 50% a reasonable estimate of the proportion of all business majors who would be very interested in an insurance program at a local college? Explain.

d) What strategies do you think the marketing students could have used in order to get a less biased response to their survey?

e) Suppose the program was created and only a few people registered. How could the survey question have been reworded to better predict the actual enrollment?


Table for Question 4 – Survey Responses

Category % of Responses

Frequently 13

Occasionally 45

Seldom 37

Never 5

Table for Question 5 – Survey Responses

Category % of Responses

A few hours or less 48

A day 12

Several days 9

A month 1

I hold a grudge indefinitely 22

It depends on the situation 8

Table for Question 6 – Survey Responses
Category % of Responses
Very Interested 50
Somewhat Interested 15
Interested 10
Not Very Interested 5
Not At All Interested 20


Expert Solution

4-a) yes. The responses to this survey obtained using voluntary sampling technique. If the researcher appeals to people to voluntarily participate in a survey, the resulting sample is called a "voluntary response sample”.

b) Voluntary response samples are always biased: they only include people who choose volunteer

c) is 13% a reasonable estimate of the proportion of all Americans who eat chocolate frequently? Explain.

No. This is not a reasonable estimate. Because voluntary response samples oversample people who have strong opinions and under sample people who don't care much about the topic of the survey.

5-a) Were the responses to this survey obtained using voluntary sampling technique?

yes. The responses to this survey obtained using voluntary sampling technique

b) What type of bias may be present in the response?

Voluntary response samples are always biased: they only include people who choose volunteer

c) Is 22% a reasonable estimate of the proportion of all Americans who hold a grudge indefinitely? Explain.

No. This is not a reasonable estimate. Because voluntary response samples oversample people who have strong opinions and under sample people who don't care much about the topic of the survey.

a)What type of bias may be present in the response?

In random sampling, sample selection bias can occur. When a sample set of the larger population is not inclusive enough, representation of the full population is skewed and requires additional sampling techniques

b) is 50% a reasonable estimate of the proportion of all students who would be very interested in an insurance program at a local college? Explain.

No. The random sample selected in the survey is very small to draw any reasonable estimate.

c) is 50% a reasonable estimate of the proportion of all business majors who would be very interested in an insurance program at a local college? Explain.

No. The random sample selected in the survey is very small to draw any reasonable estimate.

d) What strategies do you think the marketing students could have used in order to get a less biased response to their survey?

The students should have increase sample size. 50 is very small sample size.

e) Suppose the program was created and only a few people registered. How could the survey question have been reworded to better predict the actual enrollment?

To predict accurately, the question should be reworded as

Pick the Category which best describes how likely you are going to register for insurance program.

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