
In: Computer Science

handwriten code for calculate button be able to delcare varables and name constants,use parse to capture...

handwriten code for calculate button be able to delcare varables and name constants,use parse to capture input use formulas in assignment statments,and display formated output on a form


Expert Solution

Note :- This code is written in C++ program.

1)It will take arguments through command line, two operands

2) It will parse the arguments stored in argv to get the operation ( + , - , * , / ) that is to be performed.

3) And then it will convert the String to Integer (stoi function)  to do the arithmetic operation.

4) Final Result will be displayed.


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

main (int argc, char **argv)
std::string token;
size_t pos = 0;
std::string inputStr;
std::string delimiterPlus = "+";
std::string delimiterSub = "-";
std::string delimiterMul = "*";
std::string delimiterDiv = "/";
int FinalResult = 0;
int opr1,opr2=0;
bool operatorFlag = false;
cout << "You have entered " << argc << " arguments:" << "\n";

for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i)
cout << "argv= "<<argv[i] << "\n";
inputStr = argv[i];

//Addition of 2 numbers
while ((pos = inputStr.find (delimiterPlus)) != std::string::npos)
//int opr1,opr2;
token = inputStr.substr (0, pos);
//std::cout << "token Plus=" <<token << std::endl;
operatorFlag = true;
inputStr.erase (0, pos + delimiterPlus.length ());
//cout << "LastInput Plus=" << inputStr << std::endl;
FinalResult = opr1 + opr2;
operatorFlag = false;
//Substraction of two numbers
while ((pos = inputStr.find (delimiterSub)) != std::string::npos)
token = inputStr.substr (0, pos);
//std::cout << "token Sub=" <<token << std::endl;
operatorFlag = true;
inputStr.erase (0, pos + delimiterSub.length ());
// cout << "Opr1 Sub=" << opr1 << std::endl;
// cout << "LastInput Sub=" << inputStr << std::endl;
FinalResult = opr1 - opr2;
operatorFlag = false;
//Multiplication of two numbers
while ((pos = inputStr.find (delimiterMul)) != std::string::npos)
token = inputStr.substr (0, pos);
// std::cout << "token mul=" <<token << std::endl;
operatorFlag = true;
inputStr.erase (0, pos + delimiterMul.length ());
//cout << "Opr1 mul=" << opr1 << std::endl;
//cout << "LastInput mul=" << inputStr << std::endl;
FinalResult = opr1 * opr2;
operatorFlag = false;
//Division of two numbers
while ((pos = inputStr.find (delimiterDiv)) != std::string::npos)
token = inputStr.substr (0, pos);
//std::cout << "token Div=" <<token << std::endl;
operatorFlag = true;
inputStr.erase (0, pos + delimiterDiv.length ());

// cout << "Opr1 Div=" << opr1 << std::endl;
//cout << "LastInput Div=" << inputStr << std::endl;
FinalResult = opr1/opr2;
operatorFlag = false;

cout<<"Final Result= " << FinalResult <<std::endl;
return 0;

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