
In: Accounting

Your company provides a variety of delivery services. Management wants to know the volume of a...

Your company provides a variety of delivery services. Management wants to know the volume of a particular delivery that would generate $10,000 per month in operating profits before taxes. The company charges $20 per delivery.

The controller’s office has estimated overhead costs at $9,000 per month for fixed costs and $12 per delivery for variable costs. You believe that the company should use regression analysis. Your analysis shows the results to be:

Monthly overhead
per delivery
Monthly overhead=$26,501+$10.70 per delivery
Your estimate was based on the following data:

Month Overhead Costs Number of Deliveries
  1 $142,860.                  11,430
  2   151,890                     12,180
  3   192,600.                  15,660
  4   141,030                     11,250
  5   203,490.                   12,780
  6   180,630.                  14,730
  7   159,630                     12,510
  8   183,990                     15,060
  9   194,430.                   15,450
10   150,120                     11,970
11   154,080.                   12,630
12   184,800.                  15,300
13   183,120.                   14,580
The company controller is somewhat surprised that the cost estimates are so different. You have been asked to recheck your work and see if you can figure out the difference between your results and the controller’s results.


Analyze the data and your results and state your reasons for supporting or rejecting your cost equation.

Write a report that informs management about the correct volume that will generate $10,000 per month in operating profits before taxes.


Expert Solution

1) Notice the one observation that appears to be unusual. (This is observation 5.) Without knowing more about the reasons for the high cost, we might want to treat it as an "outlier" meaning we would estimate the regression without this observation. The results of that regression are:
Overhead Costs (Y) Number of Deliveries (X)
$                                                           142,860.00 11,430
$                                                           151,890.00 12,180
$                                                           192,600.00 15,660
$                                                           141,030.00 11,250
$                                                           180,630.00 14,730
$                                                           159,630.00 12,510
$                                                           183,990.00 15,060
$                                                           194,430.00 15,450
$                                                           150,120.00 11,970
$                                                           154,080.00 12,630
$                                                           184,800.00 15,300
$                                                           183,120.00 14,580
Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.992130931
R Square 0.984323784
Adjusted R Square 0.982756162
Standard Error 2635.659661
Observations 12
df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 1 4361896882 4361896882 627.909039 2.3451E-10
Residual 10 69467018.5 6946701.85
Total 11 4431363900
Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%
Intercept 9776.561937 6370.43427 1.53467747 0.15587261 -4417.6502 23970.774 -4417.6502 23970.774
X Variable 1 11.68578345 0.4663473 25.0581132 2.3451E-10 10.6466969 12.72487 10.6466969 12.72487
2) Using the result from improved regression the new cost equation would be

Monthly overhead = $$9776.56  + $11.69 x number of deliveries

This implies a contribution margin per delivery of $8.31 (= $20.00 – $11.69).To earn operating profits of $10,000, the company needs approximately 2,380 (= [$10,000 + $9,777] - $8.31) deliveries, this level of deliveries is outside the range of the observations used to develop the regression estimates. Therefore, this estimate needs to be used with caution.

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