
In: Operations Management

The 'environment' is a hot topic in Canada. These environmental issues has some serious business implications....

The 'environment' is a hot topic in Canada. These environmental issues has some serious business implications. To name a few: Canada's Oil-sands, Pipelines, etc.

1. Enlist some of the key environmental issues facing Canada including the above two.

2. What these above issues are and why they are so debatable?

3. What Impact Covid-19 will have on environment in the short term and long term

4. Include an example of a particular situation where a business practice/activity is done differently in Canada comparatively to your native country due to environmental concerns.

5. Role of WHO in this pandemic has been under the headlines. Why some people are not happy with its performance?  


Expert Solution

1. Below are some of the key environmental issues facing Canada-

-> With Arctic warming faster than any other biome recently, Canadians are particularly concerned about the impact of climate change. Country generates enormous wealth from its oil and gas operations. However, the oil and gas industries account for a quarter of Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions, with 'oilsands' being the most carbon intensive.

The oil and gas sector is still the number one source of greenhouse gas emissions in Canada and those emissions are forecast to keep going up.

-> The oil extracted in Alberta’s oilsands reserves is shipped in 'pipelines' in its bitumen raw form. The debate about whether Canada should build new pipelines is still ongoing due to worries about climate change, pipeline leaks, oil tanker spills and First Nations rights. The 'Keystone XL pipeline' proposal was rejected by President Obama but has since been approved by President Trump. Other planned pipeline proposals such as 'Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline' and 'Energy East pipeline' have been abandoned.

-> Air pollution is a major concern as it affects wildlife, vegetation, soil and water. According to the government agency, the air pollution from urban areas causes acid rain and contributes to climate change.

-> Canada is home to an abundance of freshwater, but the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) has raised concerns about water usage and the damming of Canadian rivers. 'WWF' noted that Canada uses large amounts of water for agriculture, industry and consumption. The conservation organization said Canada moves more water from one watershed to another than any other country in the world and this activity can be devastating to ecosystems.

2. These issues are debatable because of the interest of different organizations, industries, government and environmentalists. The policies and practices need to take in account these issues, and the future will somehow depend on the steps being taken today.

3. According to some recent observations, the lockdown due to COVID19 might have postive impact on the environment in atleast short term. It is true that emissions are down right now from fewer cars being on the road and perhaps other consequences. Some famous rivers and canals from across the world (Venice, Italy; India etc.) are observing a change in color and better quality.

Also, it is being anticipated that there will be less overall trash accumulation during lockdown month because people are working from home and not businesses. The offices tend to accumulate more garbage than homes.

However, the implications are so short-term, and there is a need of sound long-term plans.

4. Dealing with Construction Permits & Getting Electricity can be a challenge in Canada-

Construction permits are a long and cumbersome process in Canada, taking on average 250 days and 12 steps. In addition, in December 2017, the cost of construction permits for commercial use was increased, including a rise in fees for site plan approval and building permits.

Getting electricity in Canada is also a challenge, taking on average 140 days and 7 process steps. Not only that, but the cost of electricity is exorbitant, especially in Ontario. According to Statistics Canada, electricity prices in Ontario grew by 71% from 2008 to 2016 - the fastest growth of any Canadian province, surpassing the 34% average growth across Canada. The country has plans for the privatization of electricity distribution to increase competition and reduce electricity costs in Ontario.

5. The new coronavirus has been declared a global emergency by the World Health Organization (WHO), but the questions are about its roles and responsibilities. The questions being raised are-

" Why was the pandemic declared so late?"

"Why was the transmission of the virus not accounted earliest?"

"What will happen if this virus finds its way into a country that cannot cope?"

"What steps were taken to curb it at the beginning itself when it was reported in Wuhan?

Also, the influence of China during this pademic has been a major question by the critics.


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