In: Nursing
answer all the questions for the following article, " Examining the Associations among Fibrocystic Breast Change, Total Lean Mass, and Percent Body Fat." (DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-27546-3)
1-What is the hypothesis of this project?
2-What is the primary outcome of this study?
3-Which groups are at high risk of developing fibrocystic breast change?
4-Some studies indicated that fibrocystic breast change (FBC) is not relating to breast cancer. However, accumulating evidence has suggested that breast cancer risk is involved with FBC. Can you explain it?
5-In which way, Adipose tissue could increase the risk of breast cancer. Explain with examples.
6-If you are in place to repeat the same study, how can you improve the outcome and avoid the limitations in this study?
7-Why the study uses a breast ultrasound technique for the diagnosis of fibrocystic breast change?
8-In your opinion, what is the impact of study outcome on the clinical field?
The hypothesis of this project is that when Fibrocystic breast change developes due the anatomy or body composition of women, chances of breast cancer are possible due to the undergoing change. The study stated, that increaded body fat percentage and a fall in total lean mass of women body can be symptoms of Fibrocystic breast change and women who fall in this category in this category have higher risk of developing fibrocystic breast change.
When a body develops Fibrocystic breast change, there is a dramatical change in the composition of body. During the change, new cells grow in the body. During the process, if any cell experiences any kind of mechanical blockage during the development, it becomes a hard structure usually called cyst. During the study it has been found that women with such cyst have higher risk of developing cancer in the future. This risk even rises if the number of cells around the lining of breast ducts grows surprisingly creating an abnormal cell also called atypical ductal hyperplasia.
Around 80% of the total fat in a human body is hypodermic adipose tissue. In women, breast fat pad also have a major amount of adipose. Adipose tissue can promote the occurrence or automatic growth of solid tumor into adjacent cell during its developement stages. Under such circumstance, even if a small cancer cell develops, its physical interactions with the adjacent adipose tissue can spread the lumb to a large area and will end up raising the lymph node metastasis in women's body with invasive breast carcinoma. Adipose tissue also influences numerous hormonal imbalance such as raising the level of estrogen and increase the risk of hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer.
To improve the outcome and avoid the limitations in this study, we can add a few more factors related to changes in women's body in their life cycle like their starting and ceasing age of menstruation cycle, number of pregnancy, hormonal balance and drinking habits or other life style.
The study uses a breast ultrasound technique for the diagnosis of fibrocystic breast change because Ultrasound is a good option for assessing a younger woman's dense breast tissue which is due to tightly packed lobules, ducts and stroma. It also helps in differentiating fluid-filled cysts and solid masses.
The study can make a significant impact on the clinical field because now just by examining the biochemical data and measurements of body composition clinically, it becomes possible to find out the threat of cancer in a women.