
In: Psychology

For each of these provide two sentences: first sentence provide a definition of the term, and...

For each of these provide two sentences: first sentence provide a definition of the term, and in the second sentence explain its significance in the context of women’s rights as human rights.

  1. Material v symbolic body
  2. Sex vs. gender
  3. Intersectionality
  4. Patriarchy
  5. Globalization


Expert Solution

1- Sex- The fact of being either a male or female in the context of a biological perspective.

Gender- Reflects feminine and masculine facets of existence in the context of sociocultural perspective.

Masculinity is not the feature allied to only males in the contemporary times, a woman may also be well verased with masculinity.

2- Intersectionality- The discrimination entities reflecting social attributes like class, gender, sexuality and race.

For females, in the times of liberalisation, privatisation and diffusion of information and technology, being discriminated on the basis of gender is an insult and they must go for "Whistle blowing".

3- Patriarchy- The system/ framework wherein the decision making and power lie with the male/ man.

This term has become a history now. Today, women are also the decision makers not only in the families but in the context of running and functioning of Governments and the Giant multinationals as well.

4- Globalization- Integration and interdependence of the human beings/ people with reference to information, products, services, technologies and cultures.

It's quite natural and obvious to be dependent on the other countries/ regions and cultures in the globalisation era. But this provides the best possible unique opportunities.

5- Material v symbolic body-

Material aspects are related to the tangible things like infrastructure, products, services etc.

On other hand symbolic aspects reflect the intangible parameters like beliefs, traditions etc.

Women are more inclined towards material aspects, these days, but they have to be well versed with the symbolic entities as well.

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