
In: Biology

Genomic DNA libraries are expected to contain DNA segments that might not be represented in a...

Genomic DNA libraries are expected to contain DNA segments that might not be represented in a particular tissue-specific cDNA library. List several examples of these types of segments.


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Examples of DNA regions that are present in Genomic DNA libraries but may not be present in cDNA libraries are:

  • Promoter Sequences: Promoter sequences are not transcribed to RNA and would be absent from cDNA libraries while being present in Genomic DNA libraries.
  • Genes not expressed in tissue/developmental stage: Genomic DNA libraries contain all the DNA sequences present in an organism, regardless of expression. However, all genes are not expressed in all tissue types. For example, the Insulin gene is only expressed in Pancreatic beta cells and therefore the sequence of the insulin gene may not be present in a cDNA library from another tissue/cell type. Another example is Haemoglobin Alpha gene which is only expressed in Red Blood Cells and may not be found in cDNA from another tissue.
  • Alternate Splicing products:Several genes exist that are expressed as one isoform in one tissue and as another isoform in another tissue. This variation is achieved by alternate splicing, which causes different Exons to be stitched together to form the isoform for that particular cell type. A Genomic DNA library will contain all exon sequences, while a tissue specific cDNA may not have all sequences.

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