Care plan : osteoarthritis of right hip:
Nursing diagnosis:
1. Acute pain related to inflammation of joint
2, Hyperthermia related to infectious process as
evidenced by increased body temperature
3. Impaired physical mobility related to right hip joint to
septic arthritis
4.Patient knowledge deficit regarding to treatement
regimen and preventive measures as evidenced by frequent
questioning regarding all aspects of long term management
5. Risk for ineffective tissue perfusion related to poor
circulation in the affected extremity
- Assess the general condition of the patient
- Encourage the patient to do deep braething
- Provide comfortable positions
- Administer analgesics as per doctors order
- Educate the parents regarding further treatment options
- Monitor vital signs
- -Provide cold sponge
- Administer antipyretics as per doctors order
- provide good ventilation
- Adminstre splint to the hip
- To immobilize the hip
- Listen the quarries of the parents
- Explain the condition of the patient.
- Explain the treatment regimen which is undergoing by the
- To get a base line data
- to reduce the patient pain
- to manage the symptoms effectively
- To decrease the temperature
- To know the patient about the treatment protocol
- To make the patient understand about the
- The patient got relief from pain as evidenced by checking pain
- The patient got relief from fever
- The patient slightly achieved normal physical
- Patient acquired knowledge regarding the treatment regimen and
preventive measure
Nursing diagnosis:
1. Decreased cardiac out put related to altered myocardial
2. Activity intolerance related to weakness
3.excess fluid voliume related to increased cardiac output
4. impaired gas exchange related to dyspneoa
5.fatugue related to disease condition
6.knowledge deficit regarding disease condition
- Auscultate the apical pulse, assess heart rate, rhythm,
- Note heart sounds
- palpate peripheral pulse
- monitor BP
- Ispect skin for pallor, cynosis
- monitor urine output, note decreasing urine put and concntrated
- assess for abnormal heart and lung sound
- assess mental status and level of concious
- monitor results of laboratory and diagnostic tests
- monitor oxgen saturation and ABGs
- Administre cardiac glycoside agents
- encourage periods of rest and assist with all activities
- teach the patient pathophysiology of disease and
- monitor ECG
- help to find out the parameters
- find out pumping action
- decreased cardiac output may be reflected
- identiyfy hypotension or hyper tention
- find out vasoconstriction, anemia
- find out the kidney problems
- find out the heart failure
- reduce the lethergy, cinfusion
- decrease the symptoms
Reduced the patient disease condition