
In: Computer Science

Use C++ please You will be building a linked list. Make sure to keep track of...

Use C++ please

You will be building a linked list. Make sure to keep track of both the head and tail nodes.

(1) Create three files to submit.

  • PlaylistNode.h - Class declaration
  • PlaylistNode.cpp - Class definition
  • main.cpp - main() function

Build the PlaylistNode class per the following specifications. Note: Some functions can initially be function stubs (empty functions), to be completed in later steps.

  • Default constructor (1 pt)
  • Parameterized constructor (1 pt)
  • Public member functions
    • InsertAfter() - Mutator (1 pt)
    • SetNext() - Mutator (1 pt)
    • GetID() - Accessor
    • GetSongName() - Accessor
    • GetArtistName() - Accessor
    • GetSongLength() - Accessor
    • GetNext() - Accessor
    • PrintPlaylistNode()
  • Private data members
    • string uniqueID - Initialized to "none" in default constructor
    • string songName - Initialized to "none" in default constructor
    • string artistName - Initialized to "none" in default constructor
    • int songLength - Initialized to 0 in default constructor
    • PlaylistNode* nextNodePtr - Initialized to 0 in default constructor

Ex. of PrintPlaylistNode output:

Unique ID: S123
Song Name: Peg
Artist Name: Steely Dan
Song Length (in seconds): 237

(2) In main(), prompt the user for the title of the playlist. (1 pt)


Enter playlist's title:

(3) Implement the PrintMenu() function. PrintMenu() takes the playlist title as a parameter and outputs a menu of options to manipulate the playlist. Each option is represented by a single character. Build and output the menu within the function.

If an invalid character is entered, continue to prompt for a valid choice. Hint: Implement Quit before implementing other options. Call PrintMenu() in the main() function. Continue to execute the menu until the user enters q to Quit. (3 pts)


a - Add song
d - Remove song
c - Change position of song
s - Output songs by specific artist
t - Output total time of playlist (in seconds)
o - Output full playlist
q - Quit

Choose an option:

(4) Implement "Output full playlist" menu option. If the list is empty, output: Playlist is empty (3 pts)


Unique ID: SD123
Song Name: Peg
Artist Name: Steely Dan
Song Length (in seconds): 237

Unique ID: JJ234
Song Name: All For You
Artist Name: Janet Jackson
Song Length (in seconds): 391

Unique ID: J345
Song Name: Canned Heat
Artist Name: Jamiroquai
Song Length (in seconds): 330

Unique ID: JJ456
Song Name: Black Eagle
Artist Name: Janet Jackson
Song Length (in seconds): 197

Unique ID: SD567
Song Name: I Got The News
Artist Name: Steely Dan
Song Length (in seconds): 306

(5) Implement the "Add song" menu item. New additions are added to the end of the list. (2 pts)


Enter song's unique ID:
Enter song's name:
Enter artist's name:
Steely Dan
Enter song's length (in seconds):

(6) Implement the "Remove song" function. Prompt the user for the unique ID of the song to be removed.(4 pts)


Enter song's unique ID:
"All For You" removed

(7) Implement the "Change position of song" menu option. Prompt the user for the current position of the song and the desired new position. Valid new positions are 1 - n (the number of nodes). If the user enters a new position that is less than 1, move the node to the position 1 (the head). If the user enters a new position greater than n, move the node to position n (the tail). 6 cases will be tested:

  • Moving the head node (1 pt)
  • Moving the tail node (1 pt)
  • Moving a node to the head (1 pt)
  • Moving a node to the tail (1 pt)
  • Moving a node up the list (1 pt)
  • Moving a node down the list (1 pt)


Enter song's current position:
Enter new position for song:
"Canned Heat" moved to position 2

(8) Implement the "Output songs by specific artist" menu option. Prompt the user for the artist's name, and output the node's information, starting with the node's current position. (2 pt)


Enter artist's name:
Janet Jackson

Unique ID: JJ234
Song Name: All For You
Artist Name: Janet Jackson
Song Length (in seconds): 391

Unique ID: JJ456
Song Name: Black Eagle
Artist Name: Janet Jackson
Song Length (in seconds): 197

(9) Implement the "Output total time of playlist" menu option. Output the sum of the time of the playlist's songs (in seconds). (2 pts)


Total time: 1461 seconds


Expert Solution

// PlaylistNode.h

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

class PlaylistNode
string uniqueID;
string songName ;
string artistName;
int songLength;
PlaylistNode* nextNodePtr;

PlaylistNode(string ID, string sname, string aname, int len);
void InsertAfter(string ID,string sname,string aname,int len);
void SetNext(PlaylistNode *node);
string GetID();
string GetSongName();
string GetArtistName();
int GetSongLength();
PlaylistNode* GetNext();
void PrintPlaylistNode();



//end of PlaylistNode.h

// PlaylistNode.cpp
#include "PlaylistNode.h"

// default constructor
PlaylistNode::PlaylistNode() : uniqueID("none"), songName("none"), artistName("none"), songLength(0), nextNodePtr(0)

// Parameterized constructor
PlaylistNode::PlaylistNode(string ID, string sname, string aname, int len)
: uniqueID(ID), songName(sname), artistName(aname), songLength(len), nextNodePtr(0)

// function to insert the given song after this node
void PlaylistNode:: InsertAfter(string ID,string sname,string aname,int len)
// create a new node to store the input song details
   PlaylistNode* node = new PlaylistNode(ID,sname,aname,len);
node->SetNext(this->nextNodePtr); // update node's next to next of this song
this->nextNodePtr = node; // update next of this song to node

// updates the nextNodePtr pointer of this node to next
void PlaylistNode:: SetNext(PlaylistNode *node)
nextNodePtr = node;

// returns the songID
string PlaylistNode:: GetID()
return uniqueID;

// return the song name
string PlaylistNode:: GetSongName()
return songName;

// return the artist name
string PlaylistNode:: GetArtistName()
return artistName;

// return the song length
int PlaylistNode:: GetSongLength()
return songLength;

// return the nextNodePtr
PlaylistNode* PlaylistNode:: GetNext()
return nextNodePtr;

// function to display the song details
void PlaylistNode:: PrintPlaylistNode()
cout<<"Unique ID: "<<uniqueID<<endl;
cout<<"Song Name: "<<songName<<endl;
cout<<"Artist Name: "<<artistName<<endl;
cout<<"Song Length (in seconds): "<<songLength<<endl;

//end of PlaylistNode.cpp

// main.cpp : C++ program to create and manipulate Playlist of songs

#include <iostream>
#include <cctype>
#include "PlaylistNode.h"
using namespace std;

// function declaration
char PrintMenu(string playlistTitle);
void AddSong(PlaylistNode*& head, PlaylistNode*& tail);
void RemoveSong(PlaylistNode*& head, PlaylistNode*& tail);
void MoveSong(PlaylistNode*& head, PlaylistNode*& tail);
void SpecificArtistSong(PlaylistNode* head, PlaylistNode* tail);

int main()
string playlistTitle;
PlaylistNode *head = NULL, *tail = NULL;
char choice;
// input the name of play list
cout<<"Enter playlist's title:"<<endl;
getline(cin, playlistTitle);
// loop that continues until the user exits
choice = PrintMenu(playlistTitle);
if(choice == 'a')
AddSong(head, tail);
else if(choice == 'd')
RemoveSong(head, tail);
else if(choice == 'c')
MoveSong(head, tail);
else if(choice == 's')
SpecificArtistSong(head, tail);
else if(choice == 't')
int total_time = 0;
PlaylistNode *curr =head;
// loop over the list to calculate the total time of all songs
while(curr != NULL)
total_time += curr->GetSongLength();
curr = curr->GetNext();
cout<<"Total time: "<<total_time<<" seconds"<<endl;
else if(choice == 'o')
if(head == NULL) // empty list
cout<<"Playlist is empty"<<endl;
PlaylistNode* curr = head;
cout<<playlistTitle<<" - OUTPUT FULL PLAYLIST"<<endl;
int pos = 1;
// loop over the list, displaying each song
while(curr != NULL)
cout<<pos<<". "<<endl;
curr = curr->GetNext();
}while(choice != 'q');

return 0;

// function to display the menu, input the user choice and return it
char PrintMenu(string playlistTitle)
char option;
cout<<playlistTitle<<" PLAYLIST MENU"<<endl;
cout<<"a - Add song"<<endl;
cout<<"d - Remove song"<<endl;
cout<<"c - Change position of song"<<endl;
cout<<"s - Output songs by specific artist"<<endl;
cout<<"t - Output total time of playlist (in seconds)"<<endl;
cout<<"o - Output full playlist"<<endl;
cout<<"q - Quit"<<endl;
cout<<endl<<"Choose an option: ";
option = tolower(option);
// loop that continues until user enters a valid option
while(option != 'a' && option != 'd' && option != 'c' && option != 's' && option != 't' && option != 'o' && option != 'q')
cout<<"Invalid Choice. Re-enter: ";
option = tolower(option);

return option;

// function to add a song at the end of the list
void AddSong(PlaylistNode*& head, PlaylistNode*& tail)
string uniqueID;
string songName ;
string artistName;
int songLength;
cout<<endl<<"ADD SONG"<<endl;
// input song details
cout<<"Enter song's unique ID:"<<endl;
cout<<"Enter song's name:"<<endl;
getline(cin, songName);
cout<<"Enter artist's name:"<<endl;
getline(cin, artistName);
cout<<"Enter song's length (in seconds):"<<endl;

if(head == NULL) // empty list, create a new head node and set tail node to head
head = new PlaylistNode(uniqueID, songName, artistName, songLength);;
tail = head;
// insert the song after tail
tail->InsertAfter(uniqueID, songName, artistName, songLength);
tail = tail->GetNext(); // update tail to the new node created

// function to remove a song from the list
void RemoveSong(PlaylistNode*& head, PlaylistNode*& tail)
string uniqueID;
cout<<endl<<"REMOVE SONG"<<endl;
// input song ID
cout<<"Enter song's unique ID:"<<endl;

if(head != NULL) // non-empty list
PlaylistNode *curr = head;
PlaylistNode *prev = NULL;

// loop to get and remove the node with ID
while(curr != NULL)
if(curr->GetID() == uniqueID) // song found
if(prev == NULL){ // remove head node
head = head->GetNext();
if(head == NULL) // empty list after removal
tail = NULL;
if(prev->GetNext() == NULL) // last node removed, update tail to prev
tail = prev;

cout<<"\""<<curr->GetSongName()<<"\" removed"<<endl;
// remove current node
delete curr;
curr = NULL;

prev = curr;
curr = curr->GetNext();

cout<<"No Song with ID: "<<uniqueID<<" exists in the Playlist"<<endl;

// function to change the position of a song
void MoveSong(PlaylistNode*& head, PlaylistNode*& tail)
cout<<endl<<"CHANGE POSITION OF SONG"<<endl;
int curr_pos, new_pos;
// input the current and new position
cout<<"Enter song's current position:"<<endl;
cout<<"Enter new position for song:"<<endl;

int n = 0;
PlaylistNode *curr = head;
// loop to calculate the number of songs in the list
while(curr != NULL)
curr = curr->GetNext();

// validate curr_pos

if(curr_pos > 0 && curr_pos <= n){

// update new_pos to valid position
if(new_pos < 1)
new_pos = 1;
else if(new_pos > n)
new_pos = n;

if(curr_pos != new_pos) // curr_pos and new_pos are not same
PlaylistNode* current;
curr = head;
PlaylistNode* prev = NULL;

int pos = 0;
// get the node to change
while(curr != NULL)
if(pos == curr_pos)
// remove the current node from current position
current = curr;
if(prev == NULL){
head = curr->GetNext();
if(head->GetNext() == NULL)
tail = head;
if(prev->GetNext() == NULL)
tail = prev;

prev = curr;
curr = curr->GetNext();


// get the node where to insert
curr = head;
prev = NULL;

pos = 1;
while((curr != NULL) && (pos != new_pos))
prev = curr;
curr = curr->GetNext();

// insert the node in new position
if(prev == NULL)
head = current;
}else if(prev->GetNext() == NULL)
tail = current;

cout<<"\""<<current->GetSongName()<<"\" moved to position "<<new_pos<<endl;
cout<<"Invalid position of current song"<<endl;

// function to display the songs from a given artist
void SpecificArtistSong(PlaylistNode* head, PlaylistNode* tail)
string artistName;
// input artist name
cout<<"Enter artist's name:"<<endl;
getline(cin, artistName);

PlaylistNode *curr = head;
int pos = 1;
// loop over the list, displaying the songs by the given artist
while(curr != NULL)
if(curr->GetArtistName() == artistName){
curr = curr->GetNext();

//end of main.cpp


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