
In: Economics

Original scenario, I am going to place you in a situation where you need to advise...

Original scenario, I am going to place you in a situation where you need to advise a client on an advertising decision and provide a rationale for your decision.

To make the best recommendation it is important to know about the industry and target demographic.  A catering company generates its revenue by making food for large events such as weddings, anniversary, birthday parties or other large gatherings.  This industry has a very specific market that they should focus their attention and budget on.  Social media is a great way to advertise any business.  The costs are low and can reach a large group of people quickly.  Users can be encouraged to like the page or share it with family and friends for a promotional discount.  This would meet the cost demand and the audience selectivity.  Utilizing a wide array of social media platforms is recommended to reach the largest audience possible.  In addition, I would recommend supplementing the social media ads with TV ads during peak party or wedding time frames like Winter and Summer.  During these time frames brides to be will be feverously searching for the best venues and catering companies for their big days.  By advertising at bridal expos and events the company will be at they can ensure they are placing themselves in the venues that the most customers will be at.  This maximizes their visibility and drives profitability.  Customers who are satisfied will also offer free advertising to others if they had a great experience on their social media pages.   

Please respond in 100-150 words


Expert Solution


A catering company is planning to advertise its services to businesses in an area. It wants to use an advertising medium which is low to moderate in cost and moderate to high in audience selectivity. What do you recommend?

Over the years, for Micro economic organizations the role of advertising has rapidly increased, and it is important to understand the concepts surrounding the same. For the purpose of the case, it is important to understand the needs of the potential customers in general so that a robust medium can be chosen to reach out to the same.

Catering services are usually used in marriages or functions and are specific in nature therefore, advertising this on local newspapers or magazines or print ads is not recommended because the target audience would not be reached out appropriately.

On the other hand an alternative strategy can be Advertising on Social Media such as Facebook or other similar resources which target advertisements on specific sets of people with a recent interest in a particular subject and at the same time is cost efficient since pricing is reflective of the area and size of the target audience.

This can be used as an effective tool and will rapidly translate into a low or moderate cost strategy which will target a relatively higher audience with selective needs and requirements and can help the company in attaining the required levels of sales respectively.

The role and effectiveness of social media marketing has largely increased because of easy availability and the customization offered. Thus this is the optimum strategy I would suggest for the company to adopt and implement respectively given the constraints.

It will help in target oriented specific marketing which is in line with the objectives of the advertisement respectively.

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