
In: Nursing

Recently, immunizations have become a major topic in health care at the governmental level. Based on...

Recently, immunizations have become a major topic in health care at the governmental level. Based on community-level data, you have identified the need to increase immunization rates in the refugee and immigrant population in your community. Whom might you enlist as partners in planning and implementing programs to achieve desired health outcomes at the community level? Why did you select these partners?


Expert Solution

" You cannot change any society unless you take responsibility for it, unless you see yourself as belonging for it and responsible for changing it."

- Grace Lee Boggs

Community is well understood by the by its own leaders. The people participate effectively in a health program if its presented by their own community members as they trust and rely on them. With the involvement of their community leaders the desired outcome can be achieved. For the immunization program in the community, the committee should be formed which will consist of

  • a doctor to clarify the concern of the people regarding vaccination and to treat if any emergency occurs.
  • nurses will be responsible person to administer vaccines.
  • workers from subcenters, PHC or community health center who will communicate the program to the public and would encourage them to participate in the program.
  • the local leader of the community should give permission to conduct such a program and he will also motivate the public to bring their children for immunization.
  • Hospital management who is going to conduct the immunization program. They will be one to provide adequate resources needed for immunization.
  • If its a door to door immunization program then the admininstrator of a nursing college or school along with its teacher can be included.

For example: When I was studying for nursing, the hospital in which we were send for clinical practice, conducted immunization program for polio. On the initial day, the immunization was done in the various centers allotted. Then in the subsequent days, door to door visit was made. We were provided transportation facilities to be mobile from different places.Thus this covered those children also who were unable come for immunization to the centers. For implementing such program, the committee should conduct a health education camp to educate the importance of immunization and to inform them about conducting the immunization program with date and venue. Proper advertisement of the immunization program should be done so that maximum people of the community can participate. Adequate resources for immunization should be provided along with staff education regarding vaccinations.

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