
In: Operations Management

A: Abilene paradox After viewing the video, discuss times when you (personally and professionally) have gone...

A: Abilene paradox

After viewing the video, discuss times when you (personally and professionally) have gone to Abilene or noticed that your work group or company is on the way. Give examples of those experiences. These can be very simple every day examples, e.g. going along on a project at work you held reservations about, having a preference for where you eat dinner, but going to a place you dislike because you didn't want to hurt someone's feelings, marrying the person you didn't love, buying a car you didn't like, moving when you didn't want to (you get the point). Try to post one professional and one personal (e.g. one work setting and one life setting example) if you can. How can you stop Abilene from happening in your organization?

Abilene Paradox video clip: 3528 - De Abilene Paradox; groepsconformisme (preview)

B: Characteristics of an effective team
Briefly describe a group or team that you have been a part of that you felt was particularly effective. Determine what specific characteristics of that team made it so (e.g., group or team structured, roles, norms, etc.). Provide specific examples to support your response on techniques, theories, steps, etc..

*A complete initial discussion post answer both parts A and B.

**Please remember to include references and to extend your posts to include outside sources.

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Expert Solution

Abilene paradox is the decision made by a group collectively but it does not match their preferences. Many a times Abilene paradox has been observed. Individual doesn't want to agree to that but has to although there is no presence of external threat. Generally it results into conflict later.

In a work setting- Example- In my company i have seen an incident where the supervisor or a senior person decides something which is not mutually decided or not everybody agrees to it, but the new employees or who are not much experienced, The decision may not be correct or taken mutually still in the pressure of retaining their own position,or just because other people have said yes to it, they have to agree or say yes to the decision taken.

In family setting- Example- when a family member decides to go on trekking and picnic to improve the relationships among the family members because of his liking and the other family members agree although they are not interested, they doesn't want to be a spoil sport or doesn't want to hurt them by cancelling their plans.

Stop abilene paradox in an organization:

1. Taking disagreement as a healthy discussion.

2. Creating a safe environment where people doesn't get scared of sharing their opinions.

3. Taking the team's feedbacks

4. Ask them if they have their own point of views or any opinions against the discussion

5. Make them Take participation in the discussion and feel the sense of belongingness towards the organization.

I have been part of a great team in my organization. The Characteristics which made them so productive and goal oriented were:

1. Open communication- Communicating openely and honestly make the team more effective.

2. Common goals- They ultimately wanted to reach the common goal and worked towards it. The whole team has a common focus and action plans.

3. Defined roles- Each individual knows their roles and what is expected out of them.

4. These teams Enjoy work, share risk and choose quality over quantity.

5. Encourages view points- difference of opinions and discussions are welcomed.

6. Mutually accountable, Clear directions.

7. Conflict management- Conflicts are resolved among the teams immediately.

8. Team norms- Say no to office politics, creating sense of belongingness, pre decided agendas, being self aware, Honoring expertise, technology limits during office meetings.

9. An effective team is developed through valuing everyone, empowering the team, setting goals, defining roles, communicating freely, solving team problems, setting expectations etc.

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