
In: Computer Science

use Python datetime module, strftime Write a program that processes the following textfile and prints the...

use Python datetime module, strftime

Write a program that processes the following textfile and prints the report shown below.


  • Ask the user for the filename and BE SURE TO CHECK THAT IT EXISTS.
  • The file will contain lines which each contain 2 strings (bookTitle and publicationDate) separated by a comma and a space. Note that the title of the book might contain spaces!
  • Example of the textfile:

Gone Girl, 5-24-2012
To Kill A Mockingbird, 7-11-1960
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, 6-26-1997

Output: print the title and the publication date formatted in two ways (using strftime)

Example output:

Title                                                     Publication Date           Alternate Date

Gone Girl                                             May 24, 2012                5/24/12
To Kill A Mockingbird                            July 11, 1960                 7/11/60
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone    June 26, 1997               6/26/97


Expert Solution

Please find below modified code and don't forget to give a Like.

Please refer screenshot for indentation and output.

Modified code as per user requirements:

from os.path import*
from datetime import*
def main():
    name=input("Enter file name")
def readfile(name):
    file = open(name, "r")
    list1 = file.readlines()
    title = []  # this is for title names
    date = []  # this is for date unformatted list
    for i in list1:
        list2 = i.split(",")
        if (list2[1].startswith(" ")):  # this is for validation startswith spaces& endswith \n
            if (list2[1].endswith("\n")):
                date.append(list2[1][1:(len(list2[1]) - 1)])
            if (list2[1].endswith("\n")):
                date.append(list2[1][0:(len(list2[1]) - 1)])
    pub_date = []  # for formated publication date
    alternat_date = []  # for formated alternate date
    for i in date:
        date_list = i.split("-")
        current_timestamp = datetime(int(date_list[2]), int(date_list[0]), int(date_list[1]))
        pub_date.append(current_timestamp.strftime("%b %d,%Y"))
    return title,pub_date,alternat_date
def printReport(title,pub_date,alternat_date):
    print("Title                                Publication Date        Alternate Date")
    print(title[0],"                              ",pub_date[0],"         ",alternat_date[0])
    print(title[1], "\t\t\t        ", pub_date[1], "         ", alternat_date[1])
    print(title[2], "", pub_date[2], "         ", alternat_date[2])

    #for i in range(3):
    #    print(title[i],"\t\t",pub_date[i],"\t\t",alternat_date[i])

Screenshot and output:

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