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What are five leadership and development strategies for a CEO? Some examples below. Create a program...

What are five leadership and development strategies for a CEO? Some examples below.

Create a program for planning, training, and coaching that will ensure the effective performance of company leadership. The HR manager will be the resource for talent assessment, career path support, conflict counseling, and the development of training plans.

Develop and deliver a quarterly leadership training program.

Partner with management to target employees to focus talent assessment and coaching feedback.

Identify management that has high potential and execute a plan to drive their development.

Identify management that has performed poorly and execute a plan for performance improvement.

Identify positions where management has consistently performed poorly with lack of improvement after coaching, develop a plan to recruit a replacement.


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Following are the 5 important strategies for the CEO

1. Distribute Responsibility

Strategic leaders gain their skill through practice, and practice requires a fair amount of autonomy. Top leaders should push power downward, across the organization, empowering people at all levels to make decisions. Distribution of responsibility gives potential strategic leaders the opportunity to see what happens when they take risks. It also increases the collective intelligence, adaptability, and resilience of the organization over time, by harnessing the wisdom of those outside the traditional decision-making hierarchy. This principles of strategic leadership involve non-traditional but highly effective approaches to decision making, transparency, and innovation. Along with the distribution CEO should be honest and open up the information. The trouble is, when information is released to specific individuals only on a need-to-know basis, people have to make decisions in the dark. They do not know what factors are significant to the strategy of the enterprise; they have to guess. So distribution of responsibility involves distribution of information. For the development of the company, he should create multiple path for raising and testing ideas. Once responsibilities are distributed and he should be able to test his ideas through different path. Even more important is the ability to connect their ideas to the way the enterprise creates value. By setting up ways for people to bring their innovative thinking to the surface, hehe can help them learn to make the most of their own creativity that would be beneficial for the development of the company.

2. Provide access to other strategists

Give potential strategic leaders the opportunity to meet and work with their peers across the organization. Otherwise, they remain hidden from one another, and may feel isolated or alone. Once they know that there are others in the company with a similar predisposition, they can be more open, and adept in raising the strategic value of what they do.

The first step is to find them. Strategic leaders may not be fully aware themselves that they are distinctive. But others on their team, and their bosses, tend to recognize their unique talents. They may use phrases like “she just gets it,” “he always knows the right question to ask,” or “she never lets us get away with thinking and operating in silos” to describe them. A good way to learn about candidates is to ask, “Who are the people who really seem to understand what the organization needs — and how to help it get there?” These may be people who aren’t traditionally popular; their predisposition to question, challenge, and disrupt the status quo can unsettle people, particularly people at the same level. These can be develop from experience-based learning. The vast majority of professional leadership development is informative as opposed to experiential. Classroom-based training is, after all, typically easier and less expensive to implement; it’s evidence of short-term thinking, rather than long-term investment in the leadership pipeline. Although traditional leadership training can develop good managerial skills, strategists need experience to live up to their potential. Even workers under CEO might have feild ecprience than him and also their strategies might be based on their experience. So providing access to all strategies will help to develop his own strategies.

3. Hire for transformation.

Hiring decisions should be based on careful considerations of capabilities and experiences, and should aim for diversity to overcome the natural tendency of managers to select people much like themselves.

Test how applicants react to specific, real-life situations; do substantive research into how they performed in previous organizations; and conduct interviews that delve deeper than usual into their psyche and abilities, to test their empathy, their skill in reframing problems, and their agility in considering big-picture questions as well as analytical data. In all these cases, CEO must look for their ability to see and manage minutiae of specific skills and practices, while also being visionary about strategic goals. The better they are at keeping near and far points of view simultaneously available, the better their potential to be strategic leaders. For those hired, the on-boarding processes should send explicit signals that they can experiment, take on more responsibility, and do more to help transform the organization than they could in their previous career. They need to feel that the culture is open to change and to diverse views. Also hire those who are ready to fail and ready to learn from their failure. A company’s espoused statement of values may encourage employees to “fail fast” and learn from their errors. That works well until there is an actual failure, leading to a genuine loss. CEO principles should involve unconventional ways of thinking about assessment, hiring, and training.

4. Bring whole self to work. (Full Commitment)

Strategic leaders understand that to tackle the most demanding situations and problems, they need to draw on everything they have learned in their lives. They want to tap into their full set of capabilities, interests, experiences, and passions to come up with innovative solutions. And they don’t want to waste their time in situations (or with organizations) that don’t align with their values.

Significantly, they encourage the people who report to them to do the same. In so doing, strategic leaders create a lower-stress environment, because no one is pretending to be someone else; people take responsibility for who they truly are. This creates an honest and authentic environment in which people can share their motivations and capabilities, as well as the enablers and constraints in their life. Reflection helps to learn from the mistakes, but it also gives time to figure out the value of aspirations, and whether one can raise them higher. It allows the chance to spot great ideas using what are already doing or things that are going on in the life. Managers are often caught up in the pressures of the moment. A mistake or a high-pressure project can feel overwhelming. But if one take a minute to step back and reflect on these problems, it can provide the space to see what did right. By the right reflection one can understand and could able to bring whole to the work.

5. Recognize leadership development as an ongoing practice.

Strategists have the humility and intelligence to realize that their learning and development is never done, however experienced they may be. They admit that they are vulnerable and don’t have all the answers. This characteristic has the added benefit of allowing other people to be the expert in some circumstances. In that way, strategic leaders make it easy for others to share ideas by encouraging new ways of thinking and explicitly asking for advice.

Their thirst for learning also gives potential strategists the space to be open to less obvious career opportunities new industries, different types of roles, lateral moves, stretch assignments, secondments, or project roles that may help them fulfill their potential.

At some point, CEO may advance to the point where you are not concerned solely with the own role as a strategic leader, but also with cultivating opportunities for others. This will require a clear-eyed, reflective view of the talent pool around you. It isn’t easy for any leader to accept that others in the company may not have what it takes. Or, worse, to learn that the people with the potential to demonstrate leadership feel constrained by current organizational practices, and they are taking their talents elsewhere. But if he can come to terms with reality, as uncomfortable as it may be, then he is in a position to help change it. This is the principle help them to increase leadership quality and help in personal evolution.

These are essential strategies for CEO because the ability to transform amid societal and business challenges and disruptions is essential to your company’s success — and perhaps even to its survival.

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