
In: Operations Management

Safety Award: Imagine you are on a newly formed national committee that will be awarding safety...

  1. Safety Award: Imagine you are on a newly formed national committee that will be awarding safety awards to Canadian organizations. The mandate of this committee is to recognize excellence in the promotion of safety at work. What criteria do you think should be used to assess organizations’ performance in this area? Create a draft of a rating form that the committee might use to evaluate nominated organizations. Do not worry about formatting the form, the content is what matters.

400 words.


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Imagine you are on a newly formed national committee that will be awarding safety awards to Canadian organizations. The mandate of this committee is to recognise excellence in the promotion of safety at work. What criteria do you think should be used to assess organisations performance in this area? Create a draft of a rating form that the committee might use to evaluate nominated organization?

The occupational health and safety management safety (OHSMS) is playing a vital role in the organisation. It is define as part of overall management of the organisation that address OH&S hazards and risks associated with its activities. The main concept of the safety management system is that it is not the sole responsibility of the company’s safety office but it is responsibility of everyone within the company which includes senior managers, line managers and employees. However, the role of the employees in this program is to show the best interest in occupation health and safety because injuries and illnesses of the employees on the job can significantly hinder staff productivity and in turn reduce profitability.


The main purpose of emerging health and safety committee is that they provide the signals to manager and employees that the leaders of the organisation and unions are serious about health and safety issues.However, the S C (safety concern) national committee formed to promote the health and safety in the organisation by providing the awards to those companies of the Canada which are nominated. The objective of the national committee is to recognise and reward the organisations which are meritorious occupational health and safety performance and commitment to reduce workplace injuries and implementations of the best OHS practice and encourage improvement. Companies use promotion schemes such injury free environment in which they create various rules and regulations w

There are various steps to measure the performance of the organisation about health and safety. The following are:

  • Policy: the measuring process should establish that a written health and safety policy statement such as exists, meets legal requirement and best practice is up to date and being implemented effectively
  • Organising; the measurement process should guage the existence, adequacy and implementation of arrangements to control health and safety effective, co-operation and participation of individuals, communication and secure competence of the employees
  • Planning and implementation: deliver plans with objective, design and develop suitable arrangements, risk control systems and workplace precautions, balance the resources according to the hazards risk profile and promote positive health and safety
  • Measuring performance: the measuring process is essential element of the health and safety system, so operation of will also need to be monitored.
  • Audit and review: audit and review form the final steps in the safety management control loop, so their existence, adequacy and implementation need to be included.

Consequences, these steps help to measure performance of the organisation about safety and the result of performance provide decision which company will get the award.The committee use their policy to evaluate the nomination organisation that is how many times organisation is free from accidents related to workplace. For instance, the ABC Company is also nominated as well as R F organisation also nominated but the ABC Company had no accident regarding safety in their workplace while latter one had 3. Therefore, the ABC Company will be awarded by the committee according to the policy.

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